Shinso hesitated for a second before his eyes hardened with resolve. "Yes."

Izuku's grin widened as he walked closer to the other, chuckling to himself. "Well then, hope you're ready for hell. But this must stay between us... Your best chance to show your stuff will be the sports festival, which they should still do, and will be held in about two weeks. We'll come here and begin tomorrow, I'll have your diet and training schedule by then. We'll spend most of the time before the festival with a mad training dash, and afterwards, regardless of whether or not you make it, we'll slow down a bit, not that training will suddenly be a walk in the park. And remember what you told me, hope you're ready to break and be remade over and over in the coming days... oh right, guess I'll give you some time right before the festival to rest and all that, so I'll have to squeeze it all together even more."

Shinso seemed worried as his friend went on and on before speaking up. "Um... well we have the next two days off because of the attack... I'm going to regret all this aren't I?"

"First off, thanks for telling me. Secondly, at first, slightly, but once the results show themselves, you'll be proud. Now, at first, we'll build up your body, so you won't get much in actual fight training, but after the festival, we'll get to how to actually fight. Go ahead and tell your folks that you're going to start to train with someone from school, and bring up that I'll, well don't say it's me, but that I'll come up with a diet. If they're not willing to accommodate the diet for some reason, I'll scrap it and tweak the training. Lastly, meet me here tomorrow morning at about, hmm... let's say nine, make sure you eat a light breakfast. A banana for example."

"You seemed kinda against training me... but you sure know what you're doing."

"Eh, it's normal. Got my own diet and training routine, so it's nothing new."

"I-I see."

"Well, see ya, and make sure you get some rest!"


Izuku chuckled to himself, knowing that Shinso likely wasn't prepared for the hell he was going to go through. He wouldn't push him too hard, but he survived Stain's crazy training for months, so he was sure Shinso would be fine for two weeks... afterwards, when they had plenty of time, he'd lighten the load, at least a little. But before the festival, Shinso would probably regret asking Izuku to train him, though, if he couldn't handle it, he'd be a little screwed in the hero business. 'Now then, time to get home, and convince my mom that I recovered enough to be training again tomorrow... actually... I'll tell her I'll be hanging out with a friend all day, and tell her he wants to train with me and we'd be doing so starting the next day... yeah, sounds good. Now, let's hope she didn't come home early.'

Two weeks later, Shinso groaned as he pulled on his gym uniform. "Heh, you gonna be good today, you've been looking like shit for a while there," one of his classmates asked with a smirk. Shinso mumbled something as he shot a mild glare at Izuku when they chuckled at their suffering. "What're you laughing at, at least he's training hard, while I don't I've really seen you do much during the times we've had any P.E."

Shinso sighed because while Izuku may have barely done above average during those times, it was definitely because he was holding back. He knew what the other student was capable of, and he knew that they weren't going to stop progressing anytime soon.

"Ah, right, right, sorry about that. You're right, I clearly have no room to laugh at his hard work... guess that means I should actually try this time." Izuku nodded as he too began changing, and at first, something felt off to Shinso, before, as he noticed the slight stares of surprise from some of the others, he realized what was up. Even when they were all changing each other, Shinso never really saw Izuku's figure all that well. He usually kept to himself during school and was hard to notice sometimes. That, along with the fact he was in the corner, this was probably the first time everyone was seeing exactly how toned Izuku's body was. "Hey, you guys gonna stare all day? Let's go." Shinso shook his head and let out a soft chuckle as he followed him out of the room.

"Seems like you're not too worried about today."

"This festival might be something special, but shouldn't be too hard. Not that it really matters." Izuku glanced over at him. "Today's not about me... I'm going to help you get into the hero course. You have potential, it doesn't matter what people have said about your quirk in the past, I know you'll be a good hero. Today's the day we'll prove you have the skills."

"So you're really not going to try to make it yourself... what if you still catch their eye?"

His friend gave him a small smile before turning away. "Come on man, I'll help you stretch and warm up and you do the same for me."

Shinso starred as Izuku walked into their class's waiting room, shrugging off his question and avoiding it before changing the subject. "Alright."

Later, the pair walked at the front of the class as Present Mic announced the Gen Ed classes, their introduction nowhere as glamorous as 1-A's. "What a load of crap, are we nothing to them," one of the students complained.

"Heh, oh don't worry," Izuku said loudly, making sure people could hear him. "Doesn't matter if they look down on us. In fact... it'll be easier to drag them down without them noticing." He noticed Tai snicker at his words, despite being a member of the class getting all the hype, and therefore, the hate from some students.

"Silence," Midnight called from the stage. "Player rep, Katsuki Bakugou, come on up!"

"Ah right, he placed first in the entrance exam," one of his classmates realized.

"Yeh, the heroics exam," Someone muttered.

Izuku watched as Bakugou stepped up with, and with a grin, began speaking. "I pledge that I'll be number one.: Instantly, students began booing and shouting, which he just scoffed at. "Do your best to become good stepping stones for me." Izuku smirked to himself when he saw Bakugou look in his direction when he said that.

"My, my, don't tell me he's going to be targeting me today. Or perhaps he'll ignore me, because he thinks I'm not worth the trouble." Izuku turned to his class. "He certainly hasn't changed much since I last saw him. Now how about we drag his highness down from his throne!"

"Of course!"

"No need to tell us twice!"

"Would have, even if you hadn't said anything"

"Now let's get started right away! First off is the preliminary round, where every year, so many drown in tears! And this year's first round is... An obstacle course! All 11 classes will participate in this race that'll be around the entire stadium, about four kilometers. Now, our school's main point is freedom, so you're allowed to do anything you want as long as you remain on the course! Now, everyone, take your places!"

"Good luck you two," Tai said as he stayed in the back of the group with a big smirk.

"Normally, I would probably say something about wiping that smirk off your face, but with your quirk, it'd be sad if you didn't get first," Shinso told him with an expression half way between annoyed and friendly.

"Yeah, no excuses, because you can win and still be lazy. We better see you there at the end."

"Oh yeah, do y'all want to ride."

"Nope, we gotta show off our own skills, not have you win this for us... and uh, this is kinda a test for me, and a way for my, uh... trainer to see what we need to focus on."

"Ah, right, the mysterious trainer you never seem to want to talk about."

"I told you man, they like to keep to themselves, I'm lucky they accepted me."

Further conversation was interrupted as Mic spoke. "Alrighty now everyone, I hope you're ready, because, here! We! GOOOOOO!"

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