SS: Horikita Suzune (Reaction)

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I was waiting on the deck for Ayanokouji-kun, whom I had thought to be the one who orchestrated the plan which lead to our class's victory. But I saw one other person coming with him, Miyamura-kun, I don't remember calling him out. He must've been with Ayanokouji-kun when I called him but Ayanokouji-kun is not the kind of person who would bring along another person without checking with me first. It was suspicious.

Sudo: Finally! From Suzune's POV! (yelling)

Horikita: Shut up! Sudo!

"Why are you here, Miyamura-kun? Don't tell me..."

That's when my suspicions rose, and then, Ayanokouji-kun confirmed my suspicions.

"That's right. It was his plan that we decided to carry out." said Ayanokouji-kun.

I see.

"What the hell happened on the island?" I asked, to know what had taken place as I was still in the dark.

After that, they proceeded to tell me everything about their plan, even about the deal that must've transpired between Class-A and Class-C.

"Who are you?" I ended up asking him out of curiosity.

Ryuen: kukuku, everybody here wants to know that, right?

Everybody spoke in support of Ryuen, for the first time I guess.

"What do you mean 'Who are you?' I'm Miyamura Izumi. Sorry for making you retire. But it was the only way for this plan to work and for you to learn."

Hosen: He sure likes to act cocky.

"Wait, for me to learn what?" I asked him as I did not understand what he meant by that.

"For you to learn that you cannot do anything by yourself. You're not that strong. Fit that into your mind. You have to depend on the class." he said, as if pointing out my only flaw, the same thing which was also pointed out by Ayanokouji.

Ryuen: kukuku, so even Ayanokouji did it. Well, that's not surprising.

I could not say anything because some part of me, no, at this stage, I had no choice but to agree with what he had said.

Sakayanagi: fufufu, she obeyed just as a good tool does.

I was drinking water which I ended up spraying out of my mouth as I ended up laughing.

Class 2-D was glaring at Sakayanagi who didn't seem to mind it at all.

After that, they walked away as my classmates started surrounding me and started praising me as they were told by Hirata-kun that it was me who had planned everything which lead to our class's victory. I was shocked but then I realised that it must've been Miyamura-kun who asked Hirata-kun to do this.


It was after dinner that I was standing on the deck, staring at the ocean while feeling the cool wind breeze blowing by.
I was still thinking about how Miyamura-kun was able to carry out such a task and that is when I remembered.

Matsushita: Remembered.......what?


"What did you call me here for, sensei?" I asked Chabashira-sensei who had called me to the teacher's staffroom a day after me and Miyamura-kun had taken care of the case of Sudo's expulsion case against Class-C.

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