Chapter 1: Meeting him(Reaction)

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Huh? Where am I? I thought to myself as I looked around. It was complete darkness. Then the lights suddenly got turned on, one by one and I noticed that we were in a large auditorium. How in the hell did we get here?

"Hey. Long time not see." I heard a voice in my head, I immediately understood who it was. God! I looked around and saw him standing on the podium.

"What is happening, god? How did we get here?" I asked him, telepathically, as he granted me that ability to talk to him that way.

"I summoned every student of all the three years and also the teachers and the chairman. This is going to be a reaction fanfiction that the author wants to write."

"Huh? Wha?" I asked him as I tilted my head in confusion.

"Just let it be." he said and then, he finally spoke up on the mic as he wanted to clear out the confusion between the students as all of them were wondering where they were and so were the teachers.

"Good morning, everybody! You must be wondering what you all are doing here, right? So let me just tell you that you are going to see certain videos on this screen from a certain person's point of view. So let's start. Oh, by the way, I'm a God, just so you know."

"God, from whose viewpoint are we going to see this story." asked a student.

"You'll see."

The students were still in confusion but they somewhat agreed to see what this was about. I saw that Ayanokouji was seated to my right and Horikita was seated to my left, Kei was seated to Ayanokouji's right. 

"Hey God, from where are you going to show the video?" I asked him telepathically.

"I'm going to show it from the moment that you go into their world. I cannot show the interaction between the two of us as it is something that I cannot afford to show to the people of that world. Also, any place where you might have mentioned or thought of me is going to get cut out or edited. So now, let's start." he said.

I sighed.

"What is it? Izumi." asked Kiyotaka.

"Ah, it's nothing. Let's start watching." I said to him as I turned my attention towards the screen.

Wow, that light was so blinding that I had to close my eyes. After some seconds, I felt like I was on some vehicle. I opened my eyes to find myself on a bus. I moved my hands around my body and my face and my hair. I also found myself wearing the uniform of the Advanced Nurturing High School. 

Horikita: Why are you talking like this?

Miyamura: Huh? What way? Haha.
(trying to laugh it off)

I looked around to find him.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Ayanokouji: How did you know about me? I think that the first time we talked was in our class.

Miyamura: Let's just say that, I was.....kind of reincarnated into this world so I only had some unknown memories.

Students: EHHH?!

Professor: He's like the main character of a popular anime.

Horikita: You want us to believe that?

Miyamura: Do you have any other choice?

Horikita: Hmph!

Ryuen: kukuku so it's like that, huh. 

Sakayanagi: fufufu it turned out to be that I'm not the only one who knows about Ayanokouji-kun. His past also seems interesting.

Classroom of the Elite: Reincarnation In His World- ReactionsWhere stories live. Discover now