Chapter 16- One in a Million

Start from the beginning

I directed my gaze from Elijah to Rowan, he was standing in front of my computer, he had blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt which was rolled to his elbows.

I wanted to let him down slowly, he was really a nice guy. But it was so random, why did he ask in a Library?

Before I could speak up Elijah lunged towards him and knocked him to the ground with one hit. He bent down and started to hit him repeatedly. His muscles were moving in the sink through his silk dress shirt.

After every hit, Elijah would say something under his breath but it was muffled by the impact of the punches.

I yelled at him to get off as I saw Rowan was slowly losing blood. No-one stopped him, they were afraid of him, I didn't know why? I kept yelling at him to get off until he finally released his grip on Rowan.

His knuckles were drenched in blood, I couldn't tell if it was his or Rowans. His face was sizzling with anger until he looked at me, his body and face calmed down.

He extended his arms to pull me closer to him. I took a step back not wanting to touch him.

I didn't say a word and left the library. I made sure someone checked on Rowan before I left. I ran to my apartment. I didn't want to see his face again!

Who are you, Elijah?

I arrived home after jogging for two minutes. I got weird glares from people around me but I didn't care.

I locked my door and went straight into my shower. I turned the temperature to freezing cold. I like cold showers especially when I'm scared or stressed because it gets my mind off them. Before I stepped into the shower I glanced at the clock. It was already 3:30.

After my cold shower, my mind was cleared and ready for my soccer practice. I put my uniform on and tied my hair into a slick high ponytail. I put my shin guards in and slipped on my slides and packed my bag.

I loved soccer, I got a scholarship which helped pay for my college textbooks and stuff. I play center-back or full-back. My couch loves me, she was there for me after my father and helped me get through it.

I looked at my phone to see the time was 5:28 pm. I grabbed my bag and stuffed my cleats and water in. I practically ran down the stairs after I locked my door. I took the stairs because the elevator took too long.

I made it just in time, Drake just pulled up. I started to walk to his car but before I could enter I saw a black La Voiture Noire was outside my apartment. I couldn't see who it was, but it was strange because in my area we don't get that many expensive cars.

I brushed it off and entered his car. I gave him a quick hug and he pushed on the gas. We talked the whole way, Drake and I are really close. We have known each other for four-month but he is practically my brother. On top of that, Penny has a major crush on him.

After 20 minutes of endless talking, he parked the car and we walked into the stadium. I walked over to my team and he walked over to his. Lona plays on my team so I went to talk to her.

I told her what happened with Elijah and she kept freaking out, telling me it was meant to be, it was a one in a million opportunity.


After an hour and fifteen-minute practice, I met up with Drake after I took off my cleats and shinguards. I walked over to him and he smelt terrible, but then again so did I.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders which made my nose crinkle. He laughed at my motion and pulled me closer to him.

We were the last ones out of the stadium, there were more cars than usual at this time and they were all black SUVs except one black La Voiture Noire which was directly ahead of us. There was Elijah leaning against his car looking at me.

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