Part 5 - Reunion

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I said that there would be more coming up soon, didn't I?
Well, here we are - another part of my Jin-story~

Thank you for all the support that I have received - and I especially want to thank my Patreons - and in particular KerriBeari <3 Thank you for believing in me <3

Thank you for all the support that I have received - and I especially want to thank my Patreons - and in particular KerriBeari <3 Thank you for believing in me <3

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The lesson continued, and you threw yourself into the work. The recipe was not new to you, but following the chef's instructions closely, the dish suddenly felt new to you. You could sense that it was the same for your coworker as well, and Elina seemed more serious, as she had her eyes almost in the pot as she stirred the sauce.

The room was quiet except for the shopping and sizzling sounds and the odd question or comment from one of the students.

"And remember the essence as you serve." Jean B. M. Woo reminded his students as he watched them plate the dish. The students nodded, and soon after, the chef walked between the workstations while he took in the visuals and scent of the food. The chef did not taste anything, however. His teaching was that he would let you taste it yourself and get a chance to better yourself until the next lesson. It was important for the students to develop their own taste buds - that this way - they would learn more.

"And now," he coughed. "Your next instructor - chef Joon - has asked me to remind you that she expected you to prepare for her lesson by baking her dish on your own before her lesson in two weeks."

The class nodded as they had all received the stiff note from their next instructor. She was known as the very best at making pavlovas, but your impression of her as a person wasn't the greatest. In all the cooking shows and books - she always seemed arrogant to you. And, when you read the introduction letter that was sent to all applicants to the course, it did nothing but strengthen your opinion. Still, you told yourself, she was an extremely talented chef, and seemed to accept nothing but perfection - be it from herself or others.

Chef Woo left, and chatter filled the room as the students all started to talk as they cleaned up their workstations.

"So, does Tuesday work for you?" You asked Elina as you rinsed the pan.

Elina nodded, taking her personal knife set and putting it back down in her bag. "You wanna start early?" She gave you a wink, and you smiled in return. She knew you too well. Although you still had two weeks to try chef Joon's written instructions, you still wanted to get in at least two twice before facing the master herself. "Your place."

You nodded. "Deal."

Having cleaned off the last of the utensils, you turned and packed your stuff.

"Y/N? Moon Y/N? It's really you, isn't it?"

Your body stiffened. The voice so familiar to you - your name so naturally spoken in his charming voice.

Swallowing, you took a deep breath as you did your best to swallow your reaction before turning around to face him.

"Yes, ah - ah! Jin-oppa?!" You faked surprise as you looked at him - it wasn't like you had been casting glances at him for the last hours. "Wow, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Well, I'm here." His face lit up as a smile spread across his gorgeous face.

Your heart skipped a beat. Shoot!

"Yes... you are..." You laughed, cringing as you heard how forced it sounded.

"So, how have you-" Jin started but was cut off as his partner walked up to stand beside him. "Ah, Julia. You're done packing?" He smiled at her before looking back up at you. "It was really great seeing you again, Y/N. Really. I guess I will see you next week?"

"Huh?" You blinked, caught off guard as your eyes had locked onto the woman - Julia, was it?

"Still an airhead, I see." Jin let out a small laugh, and you felt butterflies dance in your stomach to the familiar sound of windshields.

"Yeah, yes, next week." You nodded as you mentally scolded yourself. "Of course."

"Great." Giving you a smile and a nod. "I'm sorry to keep it short, but we have a reservation to get to."

"Ahaha, no worries." You waved your hand in front of you. "You both go have a wonderful time."

"Thanks." Jin smiled at you, giving you a wink as you watched the two of them walk out of the room.

" Jin smiled at you, giving you a wink as you watched the two of them walk out of the room

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Another part up :P
How do we feel?

Anyway, I want to thank my patreons - thank you for supporting me as I write.
If you want to join - there are tiers as low as $1 ~
I'd really appreciate it 😘

[21+] A Slice of History [Y/N x Kim Seokjin] Birthday 2020Where stories live. Discover now