Chapter Three: Deep In Memory

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"You're a d___!" a raven haired boy yelled out at light dirty brown haired boy.

The dirty brown giggled, his emerald green eyes lit up as he did so.

"Sure, we both know you love me," the dirty brown teased.

The ravenette scoffed, rolling his eyes, "no I don't."

"You okay Sap?"

Sapnap blinked his eyes, falling back into the present. He looked over at the boy who was standing besides him.

"Yeah, just a headache. Nothing much."

The boy standing beside him scrunched his nose, "you're lying. Was it a memory?"

"Those cause headaches, so I technically wasn't lying," Sapnap quickly replied. 

The boy fixed his beanie with a smirk on his face, "will you ever stop with the witty responses?"

Sapnap chuckled, "of course I am not Quackity, I'm just smart."

The raven haired boy sighed, tugging at his beanie. "Lets go talk to Karl, he nows how to make good herbal tea to help headaches."

Sapnap smiled, but shook his head. "I'll be fine, it isn't even that bad." The way he grimaced after he said it didn't help his case.

"No, we're going now," Quackity sternly told Sapnap, grabbing a hold of his wrist and pulling him along. Sapnap didn't talk back, he new better to try to argue with Quackity after he had his mind set on something.

The two walked past guards that were in duty who were giving Sapnap a dirty look. They, of course, all wanted to be the princes own personal guard, but Sapnap got the job, though he was one of the least experienced guards there.

Sapnap hurried up his pace to walk beside Quackity and slipped his hand up to hold Quackitys. The two approached Karl's room. Quackity knocked on the door, not letting go of Sapnap hand.

Karl opened the door and smiled once he saw the two.

"Q, Sap!" Karl cheered, pulling the two into a hug. Quackity smiled and put his hand on Karls back.

"Hi Karl," Sapnap mumbled, wrapping his hand that wasn't holding onto Quackity around Karl. Karl pulled put from the hug, his usual smile on his lips.

"Sapnap here needs some herbal tea please, he was getting memories and they were giving him a headache," Quackity told Karl, squeezing Sapnaps hand.

"Oh no," Karl mumbled, leaning over and taking Sapnaps hand, pulling the two into his room.

Karl walked over to his desk table here he had his stuff to make tea.

"What was your memory of?" Karl asked.

Sapnap trailed over to Karls bed and sitting down before answering.

"There was that dirty brown haired boy aging. I was calling him a d___. We seemed close, like best friends."

"Childhood best friends?" Quackity asked, walking up next to Karl.

"The one with the dark green eyes and the freckles you said you made fun of?" Karl asked, looking over his shoulder at Sapnap.

Sapnap chuckled, "yeah, it was him."

"You're a horrible friend," Quackity jokingly said to Sapnap.

Sapnap laughed, "I like to think I'm a good friend."

"Now shut up. I got your tea," Karl tells them, picking up the teacup and walking over to Sapnap and placing it in his hands.

Kingdom Of Trust, Castle Of Lies (Royal AU)Where stories live. Discover now