Lollipop, Lollipop

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Hola- So this is gonna be a little kid Percy one-

Dont ask... i just scroll through head canons until i find smth that gives me an idea

      Percy happily skipped down the uneven pavement, a small lollipop in hand. Faintly, from somewhere behind him, he heard his mum telling him to slow down, but he ignored her and kept on going. It felt like she was thousands of miles away, and he was focused on chasing the beautiful butterfly that was dancing in the sky above him.

      He knew that maybe, just maybe, it would have been sensible to slow down, and listen to his mum for once. But then again, where was the fun in that? Percy reached out, hands sticky from clutching the lollipop, to try to catch the butterfly yet again. The sun shone brightly onto its pale-yellow wings as the butterfly gracefully fluttered into a small alleyway, with Percy happily following.

      Percy froze at the alley's enterance; he had heard a low growling sound. But soon, he forgot all about the noise and continued inward to find the butterfly. His face crumpled as soon as he realized the butterfly had flown elsewhere in his brief moment of hesitation. Percy stamped his little foot on the ground in frustration. He just wanted to talk to the butterfly, maybe even play with it.

      Percy's eyes flew around the dark, gloomy space, noticing the sticky floor and broken glass scattered everywhere. He carefully stepped backwards, trepidation setting in and chilling him to his very bones. He whimpered lightly, but still, for some unknown reason, stood his ground.

      Suddenly, he heard the same growling sound again, a deep rumble that shook the ground. Then, two glowing red eyes appeared from the darkness of the alley. Percy let out a squeak and shuffled backwards, calling once more for his mother.

      The beast of the alley took a step forwards, revealing a large, furry paw that cracked the glass underneath it. Percy watched in terrified awe as it took several steps more, showing its ginormous body, like one of a mastiff. 

      There was a mass amount of slobber dripping from its lips, the glowing red eyes focused solely on Percy, who stood petrified in front of it. He shook slightly as hot tears began to slide down his face.

      "Mo- Momma? Where are you? Please..?" he called out desperately, holding onto the lollipop like a lifeline.


What do you guys think?

This is a new-ish style for me, but im hoping to keep consistent with it

If u wanna part 2 lemme know, i have a few idea of how it could play out

Thank you to Robes (user in the comments) for editing this for me :)

- Olli 🐠

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