Part 72: Game, set, match

Start from the beginning

"I'd bet money on it," Shine said, "but you never know. The guy doesn't strike me as very bright. Does he even talk?"

"He can talk, but he barks a lot..." Wally said.

* * *

Hound-dog met them at the gate and barked some kind of greeting at them that no one understood.

"How can we pull this off with him?" Todoroki grumbled.

"We can lose this guy easy," Wally hissed, "No problem. But for now, it's cover."

"Nezu turned us down," Shine said dryly, "but no big deal."

They met up with Camie then. Hound-dog asked (this time in speech) why she was there.

"She's helping us," Shine said.

"What did you tell Nezu?" Momo asked Wally aside. Wally explained.

"Why did you tell him the truth if you think the mole is going to hear about it?" Bakugo said.

"Because that's our plan. Truth is safer to plan off of than a lie, you know," Wally said, "But I say we give it a while for the mole to make their rounds."

So they stalled meeting up with the Pros, but they finally did.

Miss Joke and Mirko were hanging around a very ordinary street corner.

Mirko was drawing a crowd of fans-- Miss Joke had a few...and they were having a hard time coming up with a reason not to move.

Mirko had left at least 6 times to stop a crime, and each time Miss Joke thought she was going to forget to come back, but she finally did. She was getting impatient though.

"What is taking them so long? They're moving at the pace of a carapace," she griped.

[Carapace means shell, like for a turtle or tortoise.]

"Nice play on words there," Miss Joke said.

Mirko stomped her foot like Thumper from Bambi. "Not making me feel less annoyed though."

"Oh, look, there they are." Miss Joke waved at them. "Oh...well, I guess he did come... Hmm."

"What, you wish it was Eraserhead?" Mirko jibed.

"No...I wish they had come alone." Miss Joke took it seriously.

Hound-dog woofed at them, and Mirko's ears stood straight up. She jumped several feet away. "I'll just wait till you sort this out."

Huh? Was she scared of dogs? Miss Joke thought that was odd. (She didn't stop to think it might be how loud he was.)

"Let's sit inside." Shine pointed to a cafe.

So they did.

"Hound-dog, would you watch the door?" Shine asked nicely, "Make sure no one suspicious comes in."

Hound-dog barked, saluted, and went to stand outside the door.

"That was too easy," Wally said.

Mirko snorted a laugh. "What a moron..."

"He's just doing his job," Momo said.

" a moron." Mirko pulled out a carrot and started nibbling on it. "All right, can we get to the point already? Is this going to work?"

Shine held up her ID. "Should be a matter of time. We have to go to the correct area first."

"What area? Where are we going?" Camie asked.

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