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(Author’s note: the title of each chapter of the “story” that Simon reads to the crew coincides with what chapter title this is. So that I don’t have to put, CHAPTER TWO: THE LEGACY LIVES ON”)

The forest is thick and dark, it made it hard for me to find a shelter, good thing I have spotted the waterfalls.

Behind the luscious sparkling water falling from above, hides a cave. A good hiding spot indeed.

I  lit my lamp and placed a mat made of bamboo (Banig) And laid there.i couldn't shake my thoughts as the memories of this night came rushing back to me.


It all came in flash. I was just tending to my garden when suddenly civil guards showed up. I was startled that they pointed their guns at me so I didn’t move a muscle, fearing that they will kill me like what happened to my mother and brother.

“Basilio, you are under arrest for treason and for insurrection” The leading civil guard said with a stern voice.”

“What? How? Why?” I exclaimed, I thought to myself how could I be charged with such a crime like treason and insurrection.

“Investigations lead to you, you are one of Simoun’s goons, that damned man is said to be hiding at Padre Florentino’s plotting again. It has been said that you were the one leading a rebellion and was last seen suspiciously outside the party when the lamp was supposed to explode. Therefore, you will be executed tomorrow at dawn, but before that you must write a letter to that Ibarra, Simoun whatever”. The leading civil guard informed me. I saw his tag on his left chest area, ESCOBAR, PABLO.

I could already tell what they were planning, they were going to use my handwriting as a bait for Simoun. I had already failed him, not now, not again. I quickly distracted them, “Look a riot over there!” while they looked away, I ran as quick as I can. I must warn Simoun. Yet I didn’t know where Padre Florentino’s house is. When the civil guards looked back, I was already running away from them, they were charging at me too, trying to shoot me. I did my best to dodge the bullets and so far, it has been my legs that were shot. I quicky ripped my shirt and wrapped a tourniquet around it. I didn’t know where I was going, the jungle was so thick and the fact that I didn’t have a lamp didn’t help. Good thing the moon was full and bright.

I was already losing hope, until I saw a house from afar, I could have sworn I’ve been here before, then it hit me it was my old mentor’s house. Professor Viliran. A simple man who doesn’t show that he taught in a prestigious school. Back then, he used to teach me not only what we see in books but values in life that clearly still echoes in my head, “Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.”.
He was kind enough to let me in. Before he could ask, I broke down in tears.

“Why? Why are they treating people like this? Don’t we have rights anymore? Why do they kill our love ones? Where is the justice?” I was already sobbing as all the trauma from when my brother and I was accused of stealing, to when my mother was going crazy and dying in my arms, to the greedy politicians and priests that I have met in life, to now.

I was beginning to question, “is there even a God or they just made that up to gain profit from us, stupid, naïve people”.

My professor tried his best to comfort me and hush me, after a while, I told him everything that has happened and what my plans were at the moment.

He then gave me his lamp, a bamboo mat and a map, where it leads to Padre Florentino’s house.

I was in the middle of thanking him when suddenly we heard footsteps coming, I quickly went up the roof as what my professor told me to do, assuring me, everything will be fine.

It didn’t turn out fine, the leading civil guard stabbed my professor, my friend, my father figure, twice in the chest. Tears were forming in my eyes but I wiped it off and silently went away to venture deep in the forests again. Professor said there was a waterfall about three to four kilometers from here that could serve as a good hiding spot because of its terrain. I was walking about fifty meters from the house when a gleam of light was behind me, I was scared the civil guards were already there. When I turned around, no one was there but there was rather a huge fire in the forest.

My professor’s house… they’ve burned it.

Just like the night of my mother’s death when that man, in which I later known as to be Elias asked me to burn them. I was about to cry again, yet I stayed firm and carried on. I will do this for mom, for Crispin, for Professor and all the people that I have loved, taken away by such cruel people.

Gleams of sunshine were scattered all over the cave. Gee, the sound of the waterfall was soothing.

I then removed the tourniquet of the gun shot wound and cleaned it with the ever crystal water from the falls.
I gathered herbal leaves and rubbed it on my wounds.
Perks of a medical student is you get to learn about emergency aid and alternative cure. Then I secured my wounds and got ready for another journey.

The sun was seeping hot, yet I was ever determined to reach that house before the civil guards come.
I was so focused on the trail that I didn’t notice it was already dark.

I sighed, just a few kilometers more, I wanted to move forwards but my body ached. I looked around yet there was no place to stay. It was just trees all over the area.
After a while, I noticed that I was already out of the forest. It led me to a cliff. I was about to turn around when suddenly I heard footsteps.

I quickly hid in the bushes and peek at what or who made the noise. When I peeked, I didn’t believe what I saw. It was in that moment that there is truly a God, a God that listens to your needs.

I saw him. Padre Florentino. I was overloaded with joy as I see the old man after losing hope id see him. But there he is.Holding some sort of chest. Hmmmmm, it looks familiar.

His facial expression wasn’t the usual cheerful one,this time his face was sad, I heard him murmur something and then he threw the chest off the cliff.

He was about to leave when I appeared, Padre Florentino! Oh, how it is great to see you again. I said as I was about to burst into tears of joy.

He was at first shocked at my sudden presence but then welcomed me to his house.
He offered me food and water and we had a long talk after that. I told him everything about my plan but he told me with a serious sad face,
“Your plan is all too well, Basilio, but I’m afraid to tell you, Simoun is already dead” he said in a low voice.

He was dead!? How could that be? Did the civil guards kill him? I had a lot of questions and Padre Florentino noticed I was so shocked at the news that all I could ever say was “De...dead?”

“Yes, sadly he has died, a while ago, he suffered a lot of wounds yet he refused to let me cure it. I think he drank something for him to succumb to death.”

My mind was swirling, everything that has happened, after given a little hope, then comes something big that destroys it. “Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength. “Professor Viliran’s words keep on repeating in my head.
“He hasn’t been buried yet, but he did leave a note for you”. He said hoping it would make me feel better.

“Why haven’t you buried him yet?” I asked him, wiping the tears in my eyes.
“two reasons, one I am old, I cant carry him on my own, second when the civil guards arrive here, I want them to fully see that Simoun is really dead”.

“Of course! The civil guards I have totally forgotten. Oh no, where do I hide”. I was already panicking as the anxiety came back to me.

“I know a place” Padre Florentino said with a smile.

Whatever happens, I’ll make sure the heroes’ legacy will live on.

The Will Of Heroes ( My On Spin On A El Filibusterismo Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now