Coz I have nothing to tell.'

Elijah gives me a big cheeky grin. "I bet your last boyfriend stroked your hair, told you how beautiful you were and made you feel like a princess. Is that why you're so shocked not every guy is like that."

'If only that was the case.'

My smile has dropped and I turn back to face the window. "... yea... something like that."

Silence passes by as we watch the sun dip past the trees, taking it's heat with it. Goosebumps instantly swarm over my skin and I wish I had brought my coat in with me.

"Hey," Elijah grabs my attention. Facing him again with a small smile. "You wanna go have a bit of fun after we eat."

"Watcha got in mind?"

An hour and a half later I'm cursing Elijah out as he howls in laughter. "I can't believe I've finally found something you're not good at!! Wait till I tell Lucy that she's better at putt putt than you!"

"UGH! I don't get it! I can easily throw a ball or kick it in the direction I need it to go but when I hit a tiny ball with a stick I botch it up every bloody time!"

"Awww, pretty girl, don't worry. We all have to be crap at something."

"Don't you pretty girl me, big boy." I huff as I pick up the ball and walk over to the next course.

"Hey, that's cheating."

"I don't care." Replying smugly as I take my shot, missing again.

I didn't expect to be playing putt putt at a Peter Pan themed course with Elijah today, but here we are.

Watching as he takes a well practiced swing, I cross my arms over my chest. Attempting to keep the warmth in I thank my past self for bringing my warm fury coat with me today.

"What are you humming? You've been doing that since we started playing."

"Oh, ah. Sorry if that's been annoying."

"No, not annoying. It's annoying not knowing what you're singing to yourself. Share." He smiles at me, leaning on his club.

Apparently, Mica and Elijah are both really into Golf. I've tried to picture them in there polo shirts, caps and trousers but I can't seem to get it to stick.

Especially when Elijah is looking like a sexy bad boy in his black on black outfit today.

Clearing my throat I start singing softly. "I am a Lost Boy from Neverland, Usually hanging out with Peter Pan, And when we're bored we play in the Woods, Always on the run from Captain Hook." Gently smiling at him. "It's called Lost Boy, it's kinda been the theme song in my head since we rocked up here." I chuckle at myself.

"You've got a theme song for our date."

Deadpanning. "Again, this ain't a date, and of course I do. Don't you have a playlist running in the background of your mind for day to day happenings?"

Scrunching his face, he considers. "I can't say I do."

"Hmmm, so you don't have a 'pump up' song to get you going for a game that stays stuck in there for those couple of hours? Or at the gym?.. Or while having sex?"

He chokes a little on his air, coughing. "Ahhh, no. I do have a 'pump up' mix for games and shit but most of what I listen to is heavy anyway, so I don't really have to think about it."

"Yea, fair enough. I think I have a playlist for every mood imaginable."

"What type of music you into?"

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