"Chapter Three - Am I ready?"

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It was the next day, a foggy cold morning that has woken Vera up. Staring by the window, she was completely zoned out. A sigh was let out "Huft, what did I do to deserve this?" she questioned herself.

*knock knock*

Snap! She heard a knock, didn't even think to question who. Vera immediately knew it was her own best friend, Patrick. She climbed out answering the door "Morning Patrick" she giggles. He looked at her smiling - "Morning Vera! Care for tea?" he asked. Vera playfully punched his arm while answering "Oh gosh Patrick, you already know the answer!" she laughed.


"I'll be heading upstairs for a bath, you don't mind taking the things from around here right?" she asked with her big puppy eyes hoping he agrees. Patrick couldn't help but to laugh as he looked at her "Of course Vera!".

She quickly ran upstairs, closed the door into the bathroom. The lovely scent of lavender in the warm bubble bath had gotten her attention to just relax into it. Vera knew she needed a time off, a time for herself that only she can use to take things off her mind.


Vera stepped out gently, onto the fresh white carpet and dried herself. She threw a pair of leggings, coming along with a slightly sage top she could find. As she thought, she wasn't expecting to go anywhere - wearing these fit is enough. The woman, now making her way down; got caught. What caught her attention? What made her stop? and that's when she saw him. Patrick, lost at his own mind alone - she couldn't bare to see him alone, she slowly continued walking down towards him.

"Patrick? What's wrong, you don't look like yourself." she left a worried face.

"It's nothing, just a little tired; come, sit by my side!" he moved over to make space, locking his dark blue orbs with hers - "Hey Pat, thank you for all this," as she looked back to his glazing dark blue eyes. All left with a tiny smile on Patrick's face, he cut her off "You're my best friend, don't ever mention thank you! It's my job to protect you - which is why, I made an appointment at the new steakhouse!" he said.

Vera couldn't believe what he just said. It was an unexpected turn-out, "Patrick! You're not spending a Gazillion dollars on my needs or whatever; you don't need to!" she scolds him as worry came in her.

For him, she meant to damn well - he didn't care what she said "Well, surprise! I know you're mad but please Vera, just this one time!" he begged her in every way he could think of. Although for her, money wasn't the problem. It was her own mind, was she really ready to go out with a man after what she has been through?

𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 :
"What am I thinking?" I questioned myself, fear crashing my thoughts. As time passed, not even a single moment made sense to me. A reaction; a fear reaction came in me once again - "Dammit! Snap out of it, he's your own best friend; he's a good man!" As the atmosphere in me became awful, feeling unconscious, that's what I only could last felt.

Waking up on a bed, Vera was completely lost. She attempted to yell, as she felt a sharp feeling down her throat "Patrick! Patrick, where are you?" making herself terrified. Patrick ran up into her room, relieved that she was okay. He sat next to her, holding her in his arms - as the woman could only fall into him, crying; letting herself go into all the pain she needed to let out. After a while, he managed to calmed her down. Time passed, from a terrifying fast breathing now a calming breathing. They're company connected, as they could feel each other's pulse.

Patrick didn't want her to blame herself, he didn't want her to be like this with all the blaming and troubles. He could only do the one thing that had always been her comfort - cupping her cheeks and left a tiny kiss on her forehead, made her felt better like always.

"Have some rest, kay?" he gently asked.
"I will," she said; closing her eyes.

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