Chapter 2

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I woke up earlier then Vic. He was still next to me, holding me close to him. He is so loving. They say before you a war, you better know what you're fighting for. What I am fighting for, is him. I want to tell him my true feelings towards him, but I am scared of the rejection. What if he finds it super weird, then he decides to not talk to me anymore? What would I do then? I mean, sure I have Jackie, but I don't want to make her choose between me and him.

I was lost in my thoughts of this Hispanic perfection laying next to me, that I didn't even notice him wake up.

"Hey, good morning." He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning." I smiled lightly. He stretched then sighed.

"Breakfast?" He suggested. I just nodded. He tossed me a pair of his skinny jeans that he had in a bag and I put them on. They actually fit really well. He tossed me a shirt too. Just a plain white t. He opened the door, and I followed. We went down to the cafeteria and got our food.

"I think that they're going to release you today." Vic started when we sat down.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Yeah, you can stay with me for a little while until you feel up to going back home if you want." He suggested. As tempting as that sounded, I had to turn down his offer.

"Thanks for the sweet offer, really, but I should probably go home so that my mom doesn't get pissed off at me and try again." He nodded in understanding.

"We should really tell the police about her."

"With what proof?" I asked seriously. He shrugged.

"Let's just say, I have been planning something. Something super secret that nobody knows about. Well, except maybe Mike."

"Tell me." I grew more interested and curious.

"I can't. It would ruin my whole plan. Besides, there's still some kinks that I have to work out. There's some things that I have to be sure of first." He dropped the topic and shoved a mouthful of cereal into his mouth. He sure can fit a lot in there. No. Stop. Bad Kellin, no. Stupid teenage hormones.

We finished our breakfast in a comfortable silence. After, we went back to the room and gathered everything and put it into Vic's car. After signing out, we left. It was a short drive to my house, but surely enough, we made it. Vic helped me carry everything up to my room. My mom was in her bedroom. You could hear the loud moans coming from the room only right down the hall from mine. She was probably being fucked by another drug head she met at a bar this morning. I walked Vic out to his car.

"Will you be okay?" He asked with worry in his eyes.

"I'll be fine." I forced a small smile onto my lips.

"Promise me that you will call or text me if you need anything. And I mean anything. I will be over in a heart beat." That warmed my heart.

"I promise." This time it was a real sincere smile. He pulled me into a tight hug.

"Be safe." He whispered into my ear then pulled away and got into his car. He waved one last time before he drove off.

I walked back into the house and as soon as I shut the door, I was met with an annoyed looking mother.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She yelled crossing her arms.

"What did I do?" I asked unknowingly.

"Don't you back sass me you little girl. Why the fuck are you in this damn house?"

"I live here mom." I answered. She obviously was hyped up on drugs. Probably heroine. She walked up to be and slapped me across the face.

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