Part 37~ Risks(part two)

Start from the beginning

All Hinata did was cry even more.

It took quite a while for Hinata to 'calm down' although I don't think anyone would be able to be calm with all of this going on.

The two decided to take the doctors advice, and so they called Kageyama's parents, and also asked if Suga and Daichi could bring the twins.

Obviously they said yes, and we're there within a matter of minutes. Probably because Kageyama's mom was driving like a mad man.

Once everyone arrived at the hospital, they were all allowed into the room.
(Ik that ain't realistic. But who cares-)

Kageyama's mom was the first to come bursting through through the doors, and immediately ran over to Hinata, giving him the biggest hug and kissed his forehead.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy your okay" she rocked him in her arms, and seemed like she was never going to let go.

Kageyama's dad went up to his son and gave him a hug, which is something very rare for him to do.

Kageyama gladly accepted this, and just hugged his dad for a moment.

It didn't take much longer for Suga, Daichi and the twins to walk in.

Daichi had Hanako on his shoulders, and Suga was holding Harumi as she rested her head on his chest.

As soon as Harumi looked up and saw Hinata, she wiggled her way out of Suga's arms, who put her down on the floor, and she ran over to Hinata.

She patted the Cotten blanket that layed over him, and yelped.

"Ma! Ma up!" She made grabby hands as she tried to make her way into the bed.

Mrs Kageyama picked her up and brought her onto the bed, and as soon as she was up, Harumi cried and leaned her head onto Hinata's legs.

"Hey baby, come here" Hinata soothed and opened his arms for her.

She crawled into his embrace and practically fell asleep as she rested in his arms.

Hanako on the other hand was covering Daichi's eyes, seeming to not even acknowledge anything or anyone else in the room.

"Pickabo!" She screeched and waved her arms up in the air. "Woah. Be careful there ya silly monkey" Daichi laughed and set her down in the ground.

If anyone was to lighten the mood, it was Definitely Hanako.

She ran over to her dad and tugged his pant leg. "Up, now!" She demanded. All Kageyama did was laugh and pick her up.

"Your oufit is interesting silly girl" Kageyama commented as he looked at her, realizing she was wearing a hot pink bow, a yellow shirt that had a unicorn on it, and pink pants, and was wearing her pajama slippers.

"Oh yeah, she picked that oufit out all by herself" Suga commented and held back a laugh.

Kageyama smiled and just rested his head on top of Hanako's while rocking her just a bit.

These are moments the couple wants to last forever.

Their family being there, and their beautiful little girls, who are just as crazy as always.

💙 ~Start of a family~🧡 ~A Kagehina omegaverse storyWhere stories live. Discover now