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Geto hated that he had to leave. It was too important for him not to. He was risking everything on this one piece of information. But, he didn't want to leave you alone. 

A part of him told him that you'd be dead when he came home. You were so far gone in your own mind that you couldn't take care of yourself. Yes, you were starting to get a little better, but he feared if he left your side, you'd lose yourself again. The other part of him told him that he was overreacting. There were people there to take care of you, doctors, nurses, and servants. They were all monkeys in his eyes, but they had upheld their word to take care of you. 

He wasn't, however, expecting to see you standing in the middle of the field when he returned. At first, he thought you were alone, but as he saw two figures flashing all around you, he knew he was wrong. 

Nanako and Mimiko moved around you as you blocked their hits with your arms, your lips moving inaudibly as you gave them commands. You knocked both of them back, slipping your hands into your pockets as you walked towards the spot they landed. 

"You're getting better with your attacks," You said, looking down at them. "But it's not enough. You're not outputting any cursed energy whatsoever."

"I-It's hard, Y/n-sama!" Nanako cried in frustration. 

"You can do it," You said, lips pulling into a frown. "I know you have cursed energy. And a lot at that. Stop telling yourself that you can't do it. Get up, and try again."

"Y-Yes, ma'am,"

Geto felt his eyes widen as you turned. The sun just right through the large willow tree you stood under, illuminating your face. Heavy bruising covered the left side of your face, your lip split open. Your hair was shorter; it looked almost the exact same as the day he met you. 

He walked forward, all other thoughts disappearing from his mind. You continued to talk with the twins, unknowing of his sudden approach towards you. It was only when you felt his cursed energy that you turned your head to look at him. 


"What the fuck happened?" He demanded. His gentle touch contrasted against the harshness of his words as he slid his fingers under your chin, lifting your head. You winced as his fingers brushed the bruising on your jaw, and pushed his hand away. 

"Nanako, Mimiko, go under the willow. Focus on bringing your cursed energy to the surface like I showed you," You ordered, making the two girls obey your words.

"Y/n?" He said. You sighed. Suddenly he felt his head snap to the right. His cheek began to sting and slowly looked back at you as you retracted your hand.

"If you ever let me get like that again, I'll kill you," You frowned. "I don't care how badly you think it's okay to let me do that. You can't keep letting me shut myself down, Suguru. Especially when you leave for a month."


"I can't keep doing that, and you know it," You said. "It drags us both down. Not only does it affect us, but it also affects everyone. The girls, the other members."

He stared at you in shock. You crossed your arms over your chest. He noticed that you didn't look like skin and bones any longer. You were starting to gain the weight you lost back, the muscles on your body returning. 

"We were attacked while you were gone," You said, your eyes darkened. "Nanako and Mimiko were hurt. Three of our servants were killed, and so was the doctor. I didn't even realize it until the twins were stumbling to me in a bloody mess. I didn't even realize that everyone was dying in front of my eyes, Suguru. You can't let me do that. Not again."

"What?" He frowned, still stunned by your words. 

You took your hands, placing them into your pockets as you sighed, closing your eyes. "No matter what you say, Sugar, you're not always gonna be here. So...if that happens again...do me a favor and slap the shit out of me,"

 "Y-Y/n, I'm...sorry," He sighed. 

"We treat those two girls as if they were our children. Seeing them get hurt or killed is something I do not want," You said sternly. "What kind of figure would I be to them if I just sat and let destruction happen around us. I can't do that."

"Y/n-sama!" Nanako exclaimed, making you look over, watching her body wrap in a yellow hue. "I did it!"

You began to walk towards her, pausing to look back over your shoulder.

"I let my first family die at my hands. I'll be damned if I do it again."


"Staying up late, Sugar?" 

You walked into the room as he looked up. He took the hand he had over his forehead, letting it fall to the table as you peered around his shoulders. Papers were scattered everywhere, with different names and faces. You recognized the seal of the College in the top corner of each page. These must have been people turned into curses. Geto was more than likely tracking them down to kill and take them.

"Sorry," He said, knowing that you'd grown used to sleeping close to him. Instead of pulling him up like you normally did, you pulled a chair up to the table, turning it around so you were seated backward. 

"Fushiguro Toji had a son," You said, mindlessly shifting through some of the papers. Geto nodded. 

"I know. He had a daughter too," He muttered. 

"Satoru felt guilty after killing Toji and leaving the two kids without a father. Megumi, his son, was going to be sold to the Zenin Clan. Instead of letting that happen, Satoru took Megumi into his care," You said, placing the papers back into a neat stack. "He's fas old as the twins. He'll start at Jujutsu High soon, and become a sorcerer."

"Why are you concerning yourself with him?" He asked, propping his head in his hand. 

"Because I don't want him to go to that school," You said, making him look over at you. "If Toji's son is anything like him, with that kind of power and speed...that kind of effect on sorcerers...It's better to keep him away from that. If what I know is right, then Megumi has the Ten Shadows Technique. Ira-sensei told me about that many times before; it's dangerous, and it only gets stronger as the user gets older."

"So what?' Geto asked, dropping his hand. "You want to kill this kid?"

"No," You said. "I want to destroy the school. If I can prevent anything like that from happening ever again, then I want to."

"But without the school, how do you expect to live in a world full of sorcerers?" He asked. 

"There are other ways," You said, resting your arms over the back of the chair. "It's...more of a personal reason. If I can distance myself as far, so far that it destroys the school, then I want to. I just...I want to forget everything that ever happened there. As long as it still stands, I'll never be able to be at peace."

Geto raked a hand through your hair. "Alright, then," He said. "I had a plan at the school anyways."



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