06. SICK

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[severe signs of depression]

Blankly, you stared into the pool of water. You watched as the brightly colored koi fish swam around, bobbing their heads to the surface as you dipped your hand into the water. They gently nibbled at your fingers before swimming away, only to return to do it again.

You felt a pair of hands on your shoulders. You didn't turn to look. You could hear sniffling, and quiet whimpers from the twins. He said your name once, then twice, finally moving around to sit in front of you after the third time. He grabbed your face, moving it away from the water, and to him.

He frowned. Your eyes seemed to glaze over with each passing second. Your body was practically limp, your movements like fluid as he took your hands in his. He placed a hand on your cheeks, trying to get your attention on him.

"Y/n," He whispered. "Come on, Sunshine. Answer me. What's the matter?"

He turned to look at the two children. Nanako held her sister, her own tears sliding down her cheeks. They'd come running into the meeting room, disturbing the conference that was happening. They were in hysterics, grabbing him and begging for his help.

"S-Something's w-wrong with Y-Y/n-sama!" Mimiko had cried, desperately pulling on his hands.

When he came outside in search of you, he understood why the two girls had freaked out so much. You looked like a corpse, sitting on the ground in front of the pond, fingers dipped into the water with your head resting on your arm.

He pushed your hair from your face, trying to get any kind of reaction from you. He was quickly growing distressed; you weren't even acknowledging that he was even there. He knew your 'episodes' would spring up, but he's never seen you like this.

"G-Geto-sama," Nanako sniffled. "W-What's wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?"

"Go inside," He ordered. The blonde nodded, and she and Mimiko walked back inside, pausing in the doorway to glance back.

"Y/n," He grabbed your face, pressing his lips to yours. Nothing. He looked into your eyes, his own filled with concern.

He watched as you put your hands onto the edge of the stone pond, pushing yourself onto your feet. He followed your movements, watching you with a cautious gaze. You walked across the grass, opening the door into the home. He followed you down the hall, watching as you opened the door to your bedroom. You walked towards the dresser, your hands reaching forward.

You took the blue plushie from the surface, turning it to your chest. You held it as a child would, making your way to the bed. You sat on your side, the side facing the wall, and stopped.

"I promised Aiko I would take care of Dango," You whispered. Geto eased onto the mattress beside you. He reached forward brushing his fingers through your hair. He began to twist it around his fingers, before separating it. As he began to braid it, he heard your voice again and froze.

"I saw Satoru," You said.

"W-What?" He asked, letting your now braided hair slip from his fingers.

"He was in the park," You whispered. "He cried."


"I'm going to bed. I'm tired."

He watched you with wide eyes. You laid onto your back, holding the plushie to your chest. His hands trembled as he watched your eyes close.

From that moment on, Geto knew. Seeing Gojo had triggered something inside you. Whatever he said, maybe it was just seeing him cry...it changed you.

You shut yourself down. You stopped going out to train with him, Nanako, and Mimiko. You stopped eating full meals. You stopped coming in to have coffee with him while he smoked. You stopped wanting to do anything.

You were always outside, sitting in front of the pond. Or, you'd be sitting on the bed, staring at the wall blankly. You stopped acknowledging his existence. He'd feel you shift around in the middle of the night, and when he'd turn on the lights, you'd be walking outside. He always followed you, hovering around you to protect you. You were so vulnerable in this state.

Geto hated seeing this happen to you. It made him sad. He'd sit up countless nights, holding you into his side as you'd hold the stuffed animal to your chest.

Tears slid down his cheeks as he held you against his chest, begging you to just eat something. He didn't want to, but he didn't have a choice anymore.

He'd sit with his arms wrapped around you while a private doctor connected an IV into your arm, and a tube up your nose, down your throat, and into your stomach. You felt almost like a skeleton to him. He was so afraid that the lightest touch would break you.

"Geto-sama, when can we see Y/n-sama again?" Mimiko asked, holding her doll to her chest. The older male sighed, crouching in front of them as he placed a hand on their heads.

"Y/n's sick right now. When she gets better, I'll let you see her," He promised. "Now, go on with Cirana-san. She'll take care of you."

"B-But, Geto-sama, we don't wanna leave you," Nanako said, inching closer to him, taking hold of his shirt.

"You're sad too," Mimiko frowned. "We want to help cheer you up!"

He chuckled airily. He offered them a tired smile, his eyebrows turning upward. "I know girls. I promise I'll be okay. If you want to cheer me up, work extra hard on your training, okay?"

"Okay! We promise!" They said, turning to run to the woman. He stood up, giving her a nod before she led them away.

He walked into the tea room, finding you there. The door was open, allowing you to see the pond outside. A servant stood near the door, bowing to Geto as he walked inside. She left after him, leaving you in peace.

You were knelt on the ground in front of the table, your dainty and delicate hands placed in your lap. Your hair was brushed out, taken care of by Geto. Your head was turned to the side, the sun illuminating your face. God, you looked so sickly. It hurt him.

Reaching forward across the small table, he brushed his knuckles under your eyes. And for the first time, he felt hope fill his veins. You turned your head to look at him, your eyes filling with recognition, pupils expanding slightly.

"Hi, Sugar."

It was the first time you'd spoken in a while, making your voice a little grainy. But he didn't care. His face broke into a smile, eyes lighting up.

"Hey, Sunshine."

He moved around the table as you shifted around to face him. He cupped your cheek in his hand, his heart pounding as you leaned into his touch, going so far as to place your hand over his.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with me...I'm just...a little sick right now."

"No, please don't apologize to me," He said. "I'll always be here for you, Sunshine. I'll always take care of you. In sickness and in health."

Your smile was so brief he almost missed it. Almost.

"Sugar..." You said softly, moving your gaze to meet his. His heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah?" He moved some hair that had fallen away from your face.

"You won't leave me, will you?"

He pulled you forward, pressing his lips to your forehead softly.

"No, darling. I'm not going to ever leave you. I will always be here by your side."

DATE: 8 JULY 2021

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