"He still may be dangerous. I mean, he has no memory. He may still kick your ass."

"Pfft. No one kicks my ass," I said as I hit myself in the chest. I smirked towards Black, who laughed again.

"He did," Black says with a laugh. "And we kicked each other's asses." This was in fact true. But, why let him know that?

"That was a tie when I was off guard-that doesn't count. And he's a more skilled assasin then I am."

"Still counts, even if you were caught off guard.”

"Does not!"

"Does too!"

 "Does not, human!"

"Does too!" Black said as he reach over his desk and slugged me in the shoulder. I laughed and returned the gesture.

"So, who is gonna wake him up?"

"Who cares anymore-he's not even a challange "

"What if he is?"

"Then I get to hear you scream-which is a bonus," I said as I hit Black on the shoulder. He laughes and stands up. We walk from his office in silence.

"What if he gets you first?"

"I'd like to see that. I'll clean up after your done."

"So, are you gonna wake him up, or are you scared?'"

"Hey-I ain't scared of nothin."

"Then go wake him up."

"Your comin' with me princess!”

"I will. But I wanna see the look on your face when he punches you."

"Fine then-you first, your highness."

"Ohh no. You have to go first, Miss Daisy."

"Short ones first," I had to play that card. I don't even know what form on an insult Miss Daisy was, but I didn't like it. Besides, Black was really short compared to me.

"Scaly green ones first."

"I'm black smart one." How could he had not noticed that?

"Aliens first."

"Get going," I say as I shove Black into the medical room where the alien was.

"You already said you weren't afraid. You go first," Black said as he waved me forward.

"Just cuz I ain't afraid dont mean Im stupid. I ain't trustin you from behind."

"Why, you afraid I'm gonna run?"

"No. Your gonna do something dirty and underhanded behind my back and I ain't havin' that."

"What am I gonna do? I just wanna see you get punched. Besides, I'm honestly kinda scared to go in front. I found a rubber snake in my backpocket last time I went in front."

"That would be Ben. We warned you about him human."

"Ben, eh? Hmm...I wonder why he was snickering the whole time."

"You're even dummer then I had you pinned down for. NEVER TRUST HIM WHEN HE'S SNICKERING!"

"You were snickering too. Was the fake dog poop yours?"

"No. That was also Ben. He's got the prank stash here"

"So, the empty gun clip in my bathtub. Was that you?"

" No, also Ben. Told ya he'd hit ya hard"

"What about waking up with Ben? That seems extreme, even for him.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2013 ⏰

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