Chapter 10

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Victoria's POV;

I know where this is going. "Only if you want me to." I said huskily. That was mistake. He picked me up and pushed me against the wall, kissing down my neck. He walked me upstairs and one thing lead to another ofcourse. I totally forgot how his touch, his feeling against me was. I loved every second of it. After both climaxing, he laid down beside me and pulled me into his arms. I snuggled into him almost falling asleep.

He woke me up by getting my chin and smiled. "I love you." He whispered. I just smiled and fell asleep. The next morning I heard the kids in their bedroom so I shot up. But Steven pushed me back down. "Ill get that." He said kissing my forehead going out of bed. I fell asleep again. When I woke up again he already brought the kids to school and made me breakfast. How sweet. He walked in and smiled. "Good morning babe." He said giving me the breakfast. I took it and started eating.

I changed quickly and went down with my plate. I gasped seeing what time it was. Shit. I need to feed the horses. "Ill be right back okay?" I said running out and opened the barn. Eclipse was happy to see me but a lil grumpy because I was late for breakfast. I gave them all their grain and heard Steven also come in. Eclipse and Capri were the first ones done with eating so I put them out first. He admired Banjo and petted him. "Have you ever ridden a horse?" I asked and he shook his head. "Well today will he your first time. You gonna be riding Buddy or Banjo. You may pick." I said and he gulped. I held in a giggle.

I took Champ, an Off the track thoroughbred. He was great to ride on trails plus Eclipse had his day off and didn't want to bother him. He chose Banjo and got him out of his stable. I had the tack already fixed and had it layed out. I started to brush him first and Steven followed.

"We will let you ride in the arena first, just to show you how to stop and steer." I said and I got Champ all tacked up. I helped with Banjo and let him mount him. I followed and walked to the arena. I could see Steven was a bit nervous. "Relax. Banjo wont do a thing." I said and he let him walk around.

I saw Eclipse look up from his pasture and came to look what was going on. He whinnied at us and Champ whinnied back. Banjo took that as a clue to be a little tricky. He started trotting. Well Steven went left and right. So he knew how to steer.

"Well now we can go for a ride." I said and attached a leadrope to Banjos bridle. To make sure he wont go off or if he falls off take a run. We walked out of the arena and went into the forest.

We arrived at the lake and Banjo pulled the reins from Stevens hands, almost making him fall off. I giggled and he jumped off. I also dismounted. "Sorry they can be assholes." I said and he snorted. I let Champ graze next to Banjo, and sat down on a bench. He sat down next to me.

"You remember what I said to you last night?" Steven started. I nodded. "I love you too. But I was too tired back then to answer." I said and he pecked my lips. I hope this time things will get better. I really hope.

All Over Again As Fast As Love (Sequel to One Of A Kind)Where stories live. Discover now