"You are truly incredible Asmodeus. Just look at me they tears do not suit me" I was not wearing a single trace of makeup although I was sure my eyes were bright red from the crying. My tears did not fall often however Asmo was always there to catch them when they did. "Fufufu. You might not think so but I know otherwise. Allow me, my Queen" As his fingers brushed away the tears, I found myself smiling before I pulled away from him. "That's alright Asmo they will dry by the time I finish redressing. We should meet up with the others"

"Such a stubborn woman. Here at least allow me to put your clothes back in place" He was not the type to accept the word no so I turned back to him. "Very well Asmo but please make it quick" Asmo was a carefree man but at the end of the day if the occasion required it, he would put himself together and stand up to meet the task. "There is no need to rush Az" There was a thought of living in the moment while not dwelling on the past but my King needed to be reminded of a certain event. "I recall you said the same thing in 1604 just before that volcano erupted"

"Must you bring up the past Az?" He really did not like when I brought up what happened on that day though it was necessary. "No, but it only proves my point that you often complete tasks at a below-average speed" I should not have said that out loud though it had already been said so there was no taking it back now. "Tsk. Arms up my dearest" Doing as I was told my dress was pulled over my head before I was forced to turn while the back was tightened to the point where I thought I would lose my breath. "Asmo could you loosen that slightly? It is much too tight"

"Sorry, Az. There is that better?" Hopefully, with the passing of eras, these tight-fitting dresses would be thrown out since they were equal to a torture device in my mind. "Yes, thank you" Sliding from the bed I located my shoes as Asmo finished replacing his own clothing. "You're welcome. Shall we, my Queen?" There was no better time than the present to make a stand and without a second thought, my hand enclosed against Asmo's. "Let us bring down those demons before th-ah!"

"Are you alright my dearest?" That sudden force was not a good sign although that sound of flowing water was just what made my stomach sink. "D-Did we wait too long Asmo?" I had a whole plan for this night but maybe I should have paid more attention instead of spending time with my lover. "We need to leave" If the ship was indeed already fated to sink this night, then what would happen to the passengers on board? "What about everyone else?"

"It's far too late for them but there's still hope for us" Asmo was always about self-preservation and this time was no different. Even though it was selfish in a way he was correct, if there was any hope at all then we needed to leave immediately. The ship was in the middle of the ocean days away from shore and for a mere human, they would die before any rescue ships could arrive. "You find the others then meet me on deck" I could protect myself just fine though with the limited time we had left I ran past Asmo before he could say a word.

"Ahhhh! Someone help us!" I was not an evil person but I refused to stop for those screams as I continued tracking through corridors of seawater just trying to reach the main deck. By this point, I had no idea what could have occurred to cause this danger though I only had to guess those demons had succeeded in their plans. "Lady Azazel I cannot find Death!" That was a voice I was relieved to hear but what did she mean by Death was missing? "Corazon! Do you know what caused the ship to shift!?"

"W-We hit an iceberg!" That could not have been by chance and if that was indeed the case then we needed to abandon ship as soon as possible. "Corazon head for the main deck, find us a rowboat. If I'm not back in time leave the ship and start paddling to safety" The girl was pure-hearted but sometimes she just needed a push to ensure she did not put herself in harm's way. "I cannot abandon you Lady Azazel!" Her life was not yet through and I would not be the reason it ended prematurely. "Corazon that is a direct order, now go!"

I did not yell often and my throat was already beginning to grow sore but that would not matter if I died this day. "Yes, Lady Azazel!" She was quick even with the threat of seawater at her feet though I turned my back on her before I began towards where Asmo went. My body was growing weak due to the seawater touching my skin but I remained strong as I continued. "Asmo! Call out!" Even if he had expected to meet me on the deck, I knew that if this was our last night together, I wanted to die while he held me close. "Azazel! You shouldn't be here!"

"Did you find Death?" Just having him in the same room brought me such comfort and even though we stood at death's door I was not afraid. We have been through this countless times before; this time would be no different. "Yes, I sent him to the deck. We should go Az before it's too late" My head shook from side to side as I remained in place, the seawater just beginning to soak the waistline of my dress. "It's already too late Asmo and we both know it. Would you grace me with one last dance?"

"Only if we have it on the deck" That would be a much more suitable place to hold our dance but if the ship was already tipping then we should not stand around waiting. "We must hurry then the ships sinking and it's only a matter of time before we fall below the waves"

"I love how even at the threat of death you remain as calm as the day I met you. Allow me to carry you through the corridors, my Queen" The water was ice cold but that was expected since this was from the sea though as Asmo lifted me from the rising water I felt a small amount of relief. "If you must, my King" His movements throughout the ship were slow but I understood he needed to take caution for if he was to fall, we would both drown. "Azazel in the next life please do not convince me to embark on a ship marked for death"

"I thought this could have been prevented Asmodeus. During my next life, I wish to find the demons responsible for this senseless act" When there was a threat within one's kingdom then the ruler must act quickly before more damage could be done. "I'd like to have a word with them as well. Ah, do you hear that my Queen? The bands still playing"

"One last song before they are meant by death how fitting. Do you wish to take the lead Asmo?" As I was placed down on the deck, I noticed the small rowboats in the distance with one holding my fellow demons. Although thankfully they were not foolish and instead of remaining in place like the others Death was making sure theirs was as far away as possible. "Azazel they'll both live there's no doubt in my mind about that. May I have this dance, my Queen?"

"Of course, you may, my King. Let us make this a night for the history books" My hand had already slipped into his as we started our dance of death. "I couldn't have said it better myself" The music never stopped and yet as the ship began to tip more, I found myself crying. "Shhhh~ I love you Azazel. We'll find each other again no matter the cost. There's no reason to shed a single tear"

"I-I love you too Asmo-ah!"


To Be Continued...

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