Author's outro

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Photo: the most delicious club sandwich I ever had (Estia, Farmaki 2 in Athens, Greece).

All the photos included at the beginning of the chapters were made by me. That's why they're so low-quality lmao.

So yeah, I finally finished it. Ngl, I am kinda proud. I loved making all these little motives come together in the end. Obviously the ocean with the dark depths and the wall allegory for Dante, the looking at Noel which he craves but also fears, and Gideon's desire for both the boys to be his. But I also had another theory in mind about the way the boys deal with their feelings. I felt like they all represented a way of acting. Allow me to explain.

So Gideon is passion. He feels like they are meant to be, he accepts that feeling, so he tries to be true to that feeling, and therefore he is most eager to convince the others. He simply follows his heart. He does have a hard time understanding not everyone can afford to simply run after their heart.

Noel represents fear. As I said before, he does really love to be looked at, even craving it, yet the consequences of that feeling seem so big for him that he'd rather just run away from it. It's the fear of people judging not only because he will be in a polyamorous relationship, but also the fear of admitting that he likes boys (internalized homophobia). It becomes extremely overwhelming to him, but at the end he finally manages to break free from that fear and to accept his feelings.

Lastly, Dante represents reason. As you can clearly tell from his chapters, he is quite a philosopher and thinks about his feelings a lot, approaching them in an abstract way that helps him get a clearer view of them. Yet it is not entirely convincing to him yet, he is missing a small step. At the end, he finally realizes it's not just the feeling of needing to be together, there's another thing called love which ties the three boys together, and that's a concept not even philosophy can debunk completely.

So yeah, those were a few of my thoughts while writing this. If you've seen the pattern, congrats! If not, that's why I explained it here. Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed it, 'cause I sure did;) 

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and have a good day/night!

Peace out.

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