
Lexie groaned as she held her head, "My head is exploding." Cassie flipped the page in her book as she and George commented in unison, "Make it unexplode." The tone was different in both-- while Cassie's was said in a joking tone, George sounded angry. Cassie put her book away, placing her bookmark on her page as Lexie looked at him, "Are... are you mad at me?" "No." George shook his head. "Then why are you talking to me in that voice?" "There's no voice." "There's a voice..." Cassie noted in a low voice. "I did you a favour." Lexie smiled in confusion. "But you didn't do me a favour." George shook his head again, "You just--" He corrected, "You two just made it clear that I'm still me-- the almost guy. All that separates me from the rest of my class is one point, one point? I mean, it would've been okay if it was fifty points or even ten points, but one? That means it was right there, it was in my hand, and I let it slip away. It--I didn't want to know that. Do you get that? That knowing that if I had just, what, checked 'A' instead of 'B,' that... that that one point separates me from freedom... I have been running my tail off, busting my ass to make up for one lousy point, proving..." He stopped himself, "You didn't do me a favour. Don't kid yourself."


Cassie leaned against the doorframe to the gallery as she saw George and Lexie talking. "...nobody had recommendations like yours. People said the others were smart, they said that they were hard workers, they said that they were good. But your letters? They said you were great. They spoke of your kindness and your attention to detail. They talked about how hard you try and that you never give up. They painted a picture of the kind of doctor that I hope to become. It was an honour to read those letters because now I know that what separates you from others isn't one stupid point. What separates you from others is greatness. So don't you dare let one point hold you back." After her speech, Lexie walked away from George, who hadn't moved his head throughout the whole speech as he kept his eyes on the surgery, and Cassie got off of the frame. She passed by George and sat next to him in the same seat, he moved his eyes as he saw her red hair pass by him before looking back in front. She chuckled, pointing behind her, "Well... I can't top that." She fiddled with her hands in front of her as her eyes looked at the surgery, "But you are great. I mean, I think I learned more from you than the other residents since you actually taught me how to do a complicated suture and Yang just lets me observe." George hummed with a smile as Cassie looked behind her at the random doctors observing the surgery a few chairs away before continuing, "I did a bit of soul-searching these few weeks. I-I went to church for the first time in like 10 years, and almost talked with my oldest brother but I haven't yet." She whispered, leaning in, "And I am... ready... just thought you should know." Her pager went off and her head turned down to see it was Cristina paging, taking a leap of confidence, she kissed George quickly on the cheek before walking to where she was paged-- George watching her retreating figure.


"Hey." Lexie greeted as she walked side by side next to Cassie, "you and George make up yet?" Cassie nodded with a smile, "I think we're good now... are you going to--" "Yang?" Lexie finished, nodding once Cassie did, "Yep." They passed by Meredith and Cassie's voice, seeing Cristina lying down on the couch with an arm behind her head as she closed her eyes, "Uh... you paged, Dr. Yang?" Cristina opened her eyes, pointing to a bag, "Grab two bananas from my cubby." Cassie went over to grab the two as Lexie asked, "You--You want us to... peel it for you?" "No," Cristina answered as she took out surgical instruments, "I want you two to learn the running whip stitch. I'm gonna teach it to you." Cassie returned next to Cristina as they looked at their resident, who was passing them the instruments, "Take the needles."

Lexie and Cassie practiced the running whip stitch on a banana as Derek walked in, grabbing a bottle of wine from the trash. "That's not sanitary," Cristina noted. Derek smiled before walking away and Cristina leaned in to check her intern's progress, "Uh, a little closer together." She looked at the two bananas, "Try again." "Dr. Yang," Lexie started as Cristina placed her earbuds back on, "thank you for--" Cristina slightly yelled, "Uh-huh." Lexie and Cassie looked at each other and chuckled before going back to practice.


"Oh, God," Cassie paced around the living room as Lexie sat on the couch, waiting for George, "what was I thinking, Lexie?" She sighed, "Maybe I was too late--" George entered the apartment and jogged over to the living room, racing over to Cassie, "Hey, what's--" George grabbed Cassie's face as he firmly placed his lips on hers, adrenaline coursing through his body from the news the Cassie and the Chief had given him. Pulling away, Cassie was breathless, "up." He turned to face Lexie as well, "I'm retaking my intern test." Cassie smiled as Lexie gasped, "Oh, my God." George nodded, "I talked to the Chief and made my case, and I'm taking the test. Lexie," He grabbed her shoulders, "I know I was mad before, but thank you, thank you, thank you." He hugged her, "Thank you." "And finally!" Lexie sighed in relief as he let her go, "Finally, you two get together!" She groaned, "It was been such a pain being in the middle." Cassie scoffed, not knowing Lexie had known that George had liked her when Cassie liked him George smiled, "Let's get out the liquor, 'cause we are celebrating." Watching George walk away to the kitchen, Cassie squinted at Lexie, "You knew?" "Of course, I knew." Lexie laughed, "George told me he liked you for a while." She nodded, "That's why he and Izzie broke up-- well, among other things but that was his main reason." "Why didn't you tell me?" Cassie shook her head. "I didn't want to ruin the surprise." Lexie smiled.

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