Titans Go! (Part 2!!)

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Rainbow: Well, whoever that girl was, she makes a good impression. 

You are still stunned by the Tamaranian girl's act. 

Beast Boy: I think we made a pretty good impression. Crazy space girl's gone, the city's saved, mission accomplished.

Robin: I appreciate the help. But I need to go after her. She could still pose a threat. 

(Y/N): Hey, you can't take her on by yourself! You saw how strong she is! 

Robin: Look, I work alone. Forming a team is something I don't plan on doing. 

Though once he answers that, a spaceship appears in the sky, it belongs to the same aliens that held the Tamaranian prisoner!

Beetle: I think our alien girl has some friends. 

Raven: Yeah, because obviously, friends come from spaceships with a bunch of armies. 

Fluttershy: Just what's going on? 

A screen appears from the ship, and an alien leader begins to speak!

A screen appears from the ship, and an alien leader begins to speak!

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Trogaar: People of Earth! We come to your planet, hunting an escaped prisoner, a very dangerous prisoner. Do not interfere, and we will leave your city with only minimal damage. (Back to him.) But if you attempt to assist her... then you will be destroyed. 

The ship then begins sending out several aliens. 

Beetle: That's a big ship. 

(Y/N): And those aliens really pose a threat. Robin, you're still going to find her, aren't you? 

Raven: You know they will destroy anyone who interferes right? 

Beast Boy: Hey, can't we come too? 

Robin: I suppose I could team up, just this once. 

He smirks as finishes his sentence. 

Raven though begins to walk off. 

Fluttershy: Raven, where are you- 

Raven: I'm not exactly what you call a hero. If you even knew anything about me, then you would understand. 

Robin: I think I know enough. 

Raven just smiles a bit. 

Soon ... 

(Y/N): Okay, is there any way to track her down? Wait, Beast Boy, you can turn into animals, why don't you turn into a dog and sniff her? 

Beast Boy: Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that? 

He transforms into a dog and begins sniffing out the Tamaranian's trail! 

Fluttershy: Well, anything Boy? 

He barks, which signals a yes!

A few minutes later .... 

The Tamaranian blasts her way into a convenience store, and there she soon hears her stomach grumble. 

Then she begins to reach out for any snacks she can find behind the counter and starts binging on them like a savage!

All the while, the whole group sees her. 

Beat Boy: Uh ... that tastes better without the wrapper. 

Beetle: (Talking to the scarab) No, she probably has a screw loose or something. 

(Y/N): HEY!! 

Beetle: Sorry. 

Robin: Hey SuperBoy, do you think you can talk to her? 

(Y/N): Oh brother. (Blushing) I guess so. 

Raven: And then what, she blasts him, or kisses him again. 


Rainbow: (snickering) It kind of is. 

You approach her, and she snarls. 

(Y/N): Hey, take it easy! I'm your friend! 

Tamaranian: My friend? Why did you even free me? 

(Y/N): Because I'm a nice guy. 

Tamaranian: On my planet, that word doesn't exist. The closest is "rutha." 

(Y/N): And what does it- 

Tamaranian: It means, "weak!" 

Fluttershy: Oh ... my. 

Rainbow: Yeah, well, nice means being nice! So, why did the Lizard King back there capture you? 

Tamaranian: I was a prize, the Godarians want to bring me to the Citadel to make me a servant. 

(Y/N): And they're- 

Tamaranian: Not nice. 


Robin: We- 

(Y/N): If we have anything to say about it. 

At that moment, a whole bunch of explosives fill the room blowing everyone back!

Once the smoke clears, the Godarians appear. 

Godorian: GET HER!!

They begin to attack as you punch one in the face, followed by Rainbow kicking another in the chest with rapid speed! 

Fluttershy gets behind the counter in fear, not wanting to hurt anyone. 

Blue Beetle changes his hands into blasters and he blasts them! 

Blue Beetle: AW HELL YEAH!! 

Beast Boy transforms into a rhinoceros and he rams into his attackers!

Robin uses his staff to swing it into the Godarians that approach him, and Raven uses her powers to hold down the aliens and/or hit them with various objects. 

The Tamaranian begins to fly and blast them with energy coming from her hands, and she punches and kicks any that begin to grab her! 

One tries to attack her from behind and you use your heat vision to zap him!

Eventually ... the Godarians retreat for now ... 

Tamaranian: I believe I must say Thank you. 

(Y/N): Hey ... it's my pleasure. 

You both stare at each other a little. 


Raven: Yeah, that's only like a few out of I don't know, a whole army? Impressive. 

Robin: But now that we've interfered. 

Tamaranian: Trogaar will strike harder, it's only a matter of time un- 

Trogaar delivers another message. 


Raven: How super. 


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