Chapter 43

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Brads POV
Carrie doesn't want this baby. And I really don't want her to have it either. My phone started ringing so I gently moved Carries head onto her pillow and noticed she was sleeping. I got off the bed and walked into the office while answering it. I didn't even bother to look who it is.
B- "hello?"
P- "have I ruined Carrie yet?"
I instantly knew who it was.
B- "you need to leave her the hell alone or next time, I'll kill you. She's my wife. Mine. Not yours and you need to realize it. She loves me"
M- "no she doesn't. She doesn't know what she's doing. She's only using you for sex and money. You don't love her like I do"
B- "shut the hell up. You don't know anything about her. And you know what, your right. I don't love her like you do. I don't hurt her. I don't use her. I don't force her to have sex and rape her. I care about her. I worry about her because of assholes like you. I don't love her like you do"
M- "you can say whatever you want. I'm still going to get to her. Your never there when I do. I know everything. I know when your with her. I know when your not with her. I know what she's doing at all times. I know where she is at all times."
That pissed me off so much.
B- "shut the hell up"
M- "she's in your room. Sleeping, right now. Your ratty ass kids are downstairs, in the living room, watching a movie. And you are in your office. I know everything. You can't hide anymore. You might as well just give her up."
B- "Go to hell"

I screamed in the phone and hung up. I was so beyond pissed. I walked out of the room and ran downstairs. I went to the front door, locked it. I went to the garage door, shut the garage door and then locked the door to come in. I walked to the back door and locked it. I went into every room in the house and closed the blinds. "Huck, Jasper, come upstairs with your mother and I" I said to them while turning the tv off. They ran upstairs and I followed them. They walked into our room and jumped onto the bed next to Carrie and woke her up. "Brad" she said as she sat up. I noticed her lay her hand on her stomach and look down at it. "Carrie you can't.." I said across the room. Huck and Jasper looked at the both of us, confused. Even though she didn't want the baby, she had to keep it. She couldn't kill it because if me. It killed me so much. To have my wife, being pregnant with another mans child. My heart felt like shattered glass, like it was crushed to millions and millions of pieces.

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