Chapter 15

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Picture: well it was kinda a gif but it doesn't show up but omfg when Brad surprised her, she cried and couldn't sing omg, I think I cried more then her tbh 😭😭 anyways

Carrie POV
I got up off of the bed and went downstairs, leaving Brad by himself. I sat down on the couch next to Ran. I wiped my tears away. "Girl, whats wrong" she asked as she gave me 'a look'. "Nothing" I lied. "Can Brad and I invite Luke and Caroline over for dinner tonight?" I asked, trying to change the subject about Brad going on tour. I didn't know what I was going to do. Huck and Jasper will be with me while Brads gone. Maybe we could go meet him somewhere. I don't know, I can't be stressing out right now about him leaving. I have to worry about the wedding now.

(5 hours later)
"Huck, Jasper come here please" I yelled up stairs. They both came running down the stairs. "Gosh boys, calm down" I told them as I laughed. They sat at the kitchen island. "Uncle Luke and Aunt Caroline are coming over in a little bit and mommy needs you both to behave and be good okay?" I explained to them. "Yes" they both said at the same time. "Now go upstairs and get daddy up and tell him to get in the shower please" I told them. They ran back upstairs. "Hey" Blake said as he walked into the kitchen. "Where's Ran" I asked him. "Getting dressed" he said as he opened a bottle of beer and took a sip. Then the doorbell rang. I ran over to it and opened it. It was probably Caroline and Luke but then when I saw who it was my heart stopped beating. It was Mike. "You need to leave, now" I told him. He stepped closer to me and ran his hands in my hair. "I love you" he said. "No I don't love you so you need to leave" I said as I shut the door. I quickly locked it and slid my back behind the door. I put my hands in my face and hid my eyes with them. I wiped the tears away and got up. I went upstairs and went into our bedroom. Brad just got out of the shower and had put his pants on. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around him. I put my head on his chest. "Care?" He asked. "Whats wrong" he asked again. "Nothing, I- I just, nothing" I said. "You don't want me to go on tour" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away and tried wiping away my tears without Brad seeing. I walked over to the window and stared outside. "He was here" I said still looking out the window. "What" Brad said. I turned around and looked at him from across the room. "Mike was here" I told him. "He's not going to stop. I might as well just stay with him. He's going to hurt me either way" I said as tears ran down my face again. "No Care" he said as he started walking closer. "Brad how many times have you told him to stop?" I asked. "No Carrie" he said realizing that I was right.

Authors note: comment if I should delete this story because I feel like its terrible and nobody's reading. Idk so vote and comment if I should keep it or not. Thanks

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