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Rosalie and I were sitting with Bella, trying to talk with her about baby names. However, Bella wasn't very receptive to the names we offered.

"For a girl, I like the name Marjorie." I smiled softly.

"That's sorta old fashioned, Jo." Bella scrunched her nose up.

"It was my mother's name." I laughed. "So, yes. Very old fashioned."

"I was thinking EJ for a boy." Bella said fondly. "Edward Jacob."

"I don't hate that." I shrugged.

"What about for a girl?" Rose asked. "Because, I suggested Lilianna. I think it's a beautiful name."

"Don't laugh." Bella muttered. "But I was thinking Renesmee."

"I don't think that's-" Rosalie started to protest.

"It's beautiful, actually." I supported her. "I quite like the uniqueness of that name."

"Thanks, Jo." Bella smiled broadly.

"I'm going to get you some more blood." I said, helping Bella to her feet for stepping away. I found her Styrofoam cup and emptied a blood bag into it, placing a new lid and straw into the O negative before heading back to the living room.

"He likes it." Bella smirked at Rose, referring to Edward agreeing with Bella's baby names.

"Here you go." I smiled, offering Bella the Styrofoam cup. She grabbed it from my outstretched hand, but her grip was weak. The cup crashed to the floor, the blood spilling out onto the carpet, and Bella's lower back snapped. She crashed down to her knees before falling over to the side. Edward caught her head before she could injure herself further.

"Help me!" Edward yelled, frantic. I grabbed the house phone and called Carlisle, trying to get some guidance.

"Rosalie, get the morphine!" Edward demanded, placing Bella down on the bed we had for her check-ups.

"Carlisle said the placenta must have detached." I relayed the words Carlisle spoke calmly to me. Edward injected Bella with the morphine while Carlisle told me he was running home. "He's coming as fast as he can, but..."

"We'll have to do it." Rosalie decided. She cut into Bella's belly, but the blood was too much for her to handle. Jacob tackled Rose before she could hurt Bella, and Edward demanded I take Rose out of the room.

"Let's go." I huffed, grabbing Rose's arm. She put up a fight, so I grabbed her by her throat and growled lowly at her. "No, Rosalie. Let's go. Now."

"Fine!" Rosalie sneered back at me, letting me push her out of the room.

"You need to calm down, Rosalie." I snapped, gently throwing her in front of me. "We're all thirsty, but we need to save Bella and that baby first. Do you understand me?"

"Yes." Rosalie whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm okay."

"I'm going to get Jasper." I muttered, leaving her alone. I headed upstairs, where Jasper was trying to desperately distract himself. I heard the growling of a wolf from outside, making me rush to Jasper quicker. "Jas, it's time."

"Bella?" Jasper asked, closing the book in his hands.

"She will turn." I said confidently. "But, she doesn't look too good."

"Let's head downstairs." Jasper nodded. "I'll get Bree and meet you down there."

"Okay." I nodded, racing downstairs just in time to watch Jacob Black sink down to his knees in front of my niece. He'd imprinted on Bella's daughter, making me shake my head slightly.

"Jo!" Edward yelled. "Jasper! Bree!"

The three of us met out front of the house, coming face to face with Sam and his pack.

"We're outnumbered." The unmistakable voice of the Major sounded.

"By a lot." Bree added, scanning the wolves warily.

"Don't worry." I muttered, locking eyes with Paul in wolf form.

"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward stated. The wolves advanced, and the boys easily took on a wolf each. However, I hopped over Paul in hopes of not actually hurting any of the wolves, and another wolf tackled me through the air.

"Jo!" Bree yelled, ripping the wolf off of me. I sneered at the newer wolf, lightly tossing him away from the house that Renesmee was in.

"Stupid mutt." I growled, kicking Paul in the ribs. "You have no respect!"

Paul whimpered and growled, setting his sights on Jasper instead. Another wolf, Embry I believe, pinned me to the ground. He snarled in my face, moving to take my head off, but he was thrown off of me by Emmett returning with Carlisle and Esme.

"Thanks." I muttered, checking on Jasper. While I was distracted, another new wolf managed to pin me to the forest floor. I hadn't had time to react, so I caught the wolf by the jaw, trying my hardest to fight it off. I was losing the fight, and I let out a distressed cry. Leah growled and tackled the wolf off of me, fighting against her former pack brother and saving me. I hopped to my feet and scanned the area for Bree. Jared had gone after her, but Seth quickly tackled him into the mud and snarled at him.

The fight continued for a while, and we were on the losing side of things. The wolves managed to corner us against our deck, making me scan the pack frantically. I grabbed Jasper's hand and huffed. Sam took a step toward Jasper, and without thinking, I threw my hand out to stop him. Sam tumbled backwards, making me panic slightly. Before any of the pack could retaliate, Jacob jumped between the two sides and spoke directly to Sam.

"Stop!" He demanded. "It's over! If you kill her, you kill me."

Sam charged Jacob, forcing him to phase and let him and his pack know that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee.

"Jacob imprinted." Edward told the family. "They can't hurt her. Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law."

"One that Jared needs to learn again." I mumbled, watching the wolves retreat. Once they disappeared into the trees, I scanned Jasper and Bree for any injuries. "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright." Bree confirmed as Jasper grabbed me and scanned me for any injuries.

"Not a scratch on you." Jasper whispered, fighting for control with Major. "You had us scared for a minute."

"We're all okay." I nodded, wrapping myself up in his arms. "We're all okay."

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