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Jasper stood on one end of the room beside Edward, both sharing a distaste for the being inside Bella. I stood apart from them, trying my hardest to view the future of the thing within my new sister-in-law. Bree was offering me support as Jasper took my silence as acceptance of Bella's condition.

The whole family was on opposite sides of this situation. Rosalie was all for Bella being pregnant and carrying Edward's child, and she made it clear that she was Bella and the baby's protector. Jasper and Edward wanted the child ripped from Bella and disposed of. Emmett wasn't expressing his opinion on the matter, and Carlisle and Esme didn't know where to stand either. Bree and I hadn't spoken of Bella's condition, but I could feel her confusion. She didn't know what was happening, none of us truly did, so she couldn't form a proper opinion.

I growled out of frustration and tore my arm from Bree's grasp. I sat down on the stairs beside me and ran a hand through my hair.

"Jo?" Bella asked, sounding weak. All eyes snapped toward her, mine included, and she shook slightly as she spoke. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I muttered.

"Don't lie to me." Bella demanded softly. "What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong," Edward started, ready to tear into Bella about this pregnancy. "Whatever is growing inside you is what's wrong!"

"It's an immortal child," Jasper scoffed. "It's unnatural."

"Jasper." I said sharply. His posture stiffened and he looked over at me with a glazed-over look in his eyes. His hands rested behind his back, and he stood with a newfound confidence; the Major was present.

"I've seen them before." Major hissed, changing the atmosphere of the room. "We need to destroy it before it has a life to waste."

"I'm leaving." I stated, brushing past Bree. "You can come if you'd like, Bree."

"Where are you going?" Esme asked, looking between Jasper and I worriedly.

"I just can't be in this house right now." I sighed. "I'll be back soon."

"Josephine, you don't have to go." Major stated, looking slightly panicked beneath his hard eyes.

"I'll be back." I repeated, glancing around at my family before running off into the forest. Bree followed after me, easily keeping up with me due to her still being fairly new to being a vampire.

"Jasper won't follow us?" She asked as we neared the Canadian border.

"No." I shook my head. "He'll give us our space."

Bree nodded, following me through Canada and up into Alaska. We settled into our Alaskan home after a few hours, neither of us speaking. I was digesting the news, trying desperately to understand why I couldn't foresee the child's future.

I could see Bella's future; she would become one of us. The vision of her hadn't changed since I first saw her as a vampire. Edward's future was slightly more cloudy, especially closer to the time Bella is turned. Bits and pieces were missing from both futures, and I couldn't understand why.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Bree asked, sitting beside me on the living room couch. The sun had long since set, leaving us in the light of the fire from the fireplace.

"Bella and her... baby." I forced out, glancing into her newly bronzed eyes. "I can't see it."

"Will Bella be okay?" She asked quietly.

"Yes." I reassure her. "She'll be one of us soon."

"What do you think about the... baby?" Bree questioned.

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