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"Something's wrong." Bree and I chorused. She was holding her chest, and I was holding my head.

"I can't see what it is." I whined, feeling an unrivaled pain in my head. "I don't know what's going on."

"Josie!" Jasper panicked, reaching for me. I swatted him away and cried out, feeling something big shift.

"It felt like something was cut off from my heart." Bree gasped unnecessarily for air.

"I don't know what changed." I said, frantically searching in my visions for an explanation. Suddenly, I caught glimpses of Jacob and Sam in wolf form. Then, Jacob's wolf broke away from Sam's pack, Seth following after him shortly after. "It's Jacob."

"What?" Jasper asked, trying to piece together what was happening to Bree and I.

"He's his own alpha now." I explained, shaking my head. The pain dulled, and my visions slowly faded away. "He and Seth left Sam's pack."


"Sam's lost the element of surprise," Jacob started, explaining to us what Sam's plan was. "And he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett chimed in.

"No fights." Carlisle demanded. "We won't be the ones to break the treaty."

"The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind." Jacob warned.

"Not in ours." Esme replied softly.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks." Emmett spoke again.

"We'll make do." Esme decided.

"You've done us a great service, Jacob." Carlisle smiled softly. "Thank you."

The night was slow, and I can feel the presence of the wolves around the property. Seth and Bree had decided to spend their evening together, which didn't bother me any. She needed something to do now that she couldn't sleep anymore, and I was glad she could pass the time with her mate.

Leah offered me a slight smile as she and Jake ran the perimeter of the property, which shocked both Jacob and myself. But, I suppose now that her brother and my almost-daughter were soulmates, she and I would have to start to get along.

The days passed even slower, and were full of research that led nowhere. To take a break from the madness of dead end after dead end, Esme and I decided to cook for the wolves, and for Bella. The pregnant human hadn't had much of an appetite lately, but she tried her best to eat something.

Leah had turned her nose up at Esme, obviously skeptical of any vampire. Neither Esme nor I blamed her, especially not since Victoria had caused her father's fatal heart attack. Seth and Jacob had no issues with us feeding them, but Leah would only take food from my hands with a half nod. Esme didn't take it personally.

After another week and a half of no answers, Bella's pregnancy had progressed immensely. However, at this point, Bella could not keep anything down. It was hard to witness, and it made me thankful that I could no longer sympathy vomit.

Jasper, Bree, and Emmett were focused on a football game on the TV, while I was focused on trying to see Bella's future again. I was brought out of my trance when Bella started dry heaving.

"We need to figure out a way to get food into her system." Esme sighed.

"If only I could see the fetus..." I trailed off.

"Baby." Rosalie corrected.

"Maybe I could see what it wants." I continued, hoping to avoid another argument with Rosalie.

"Think you might be right." Edward said, looking at Jacob. "Jacob just had an idea."

"It wasn't an idea." Jacob scoffed softly. "It was a snide comment."

"What were you thinking?" Carlisle asked.

"That it was probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into." Jacob said, looking smug.

"He's thirsty." Bella whispered.

"I know the feeling." Emmett muttered.

"If it's craving, it's not gonna want animal blood." Edward vocalized.

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella." Carlisle said, heading to grab one of his blood bags.

"Walk with me." I said softly grabbing Bree and Jasper's hands, tugging them out of the house. Shortly after we exited the house, Emmett joined us.

"Show us something with the water, Jo." Emmett muttered, seeking a distraction. I nodded and led the trio to the stream on our property.

"I haven't been practicing." I excused. "So, I don't know how good this will be."

I raised a hand, water from the stream following my hand's movement. I smiled as the water slowly formed into the shape of a rose.

"That's amazing." Bree spoke.

"That's pretty cool." Seth's voice sounded, startling me slightly. The water fell back into the stream, and Seth looked guilty. "Sorry."

"It's alright." I smiled. "I'm still learning."

"So you can see the future and control water?" Seth questioned. "Sounds cool."

"Wanna be a test dummy?" Emmett asked with a smirk.

"For what?" Seth asked.

"She doesn't know if she can control people with her gift." Jasper provided.

"Can she try with you?" Emmett asked.

"No." I shook my head. "I don't want to hurt him."

"It's okay, Jo." Seth smiled. "I trust you."

"I'm afraid." I shook my head.

"Just, don't kill him." Bree snorted. I raised a hand towards Seth and focused on the blood throughout his body. Without thinking about cutting off the flow of blood throughout his body, I moved my hand backwards. Seth stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over his own feet.

"Woah." He muttered, steadying himself.

"So you can control people." Emmett laughed. "That's a cool gift."

"Are you alright?" I questioned. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, that was so cool!" Seth beamed.

"You're a wonder, Josephine Whitlock." Jasper whispered, looking at me with adoration in his eyes. If I could blush, I would've been redder than a tomato.

"Let's get back." I muttered.

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