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Lunch at school the next day was strange. Instead of isolating ourselves at our usual table, Jasper suggested that we sit with Bella and her friends. Of course, I was shocked by this, but I was also very happy that Jasper was becoming more tolerant about being around humans.

So, we strolled through the cafeteria and slid into the open seats beside Bella. I was smiling excitedly, which meant Jasper was smiling at my excitement. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I addressed Bella and her friends.

"I've decided to throw a party." I beamed, looking up at Jasper.

"After all," He sounded, slightly smiling at everyone. "How many times are we gonna graduate high school?"

Edward scoffed under his breath at Jasper's inside joke, making me giggle softly. Jasper's hold tightened around me as I laughed, and I smiled widely as Angela started speaking.

"A party?" She asked. "At your place?"

"I've never seen your house." Jessica stated, looking both excited and worried.

"No one's ever seen their house." Eric scoffed.

"Another party, Josephine?" Edward asked, obviously still upset about what happened at Bella's birthday party.

"It'll be fun." I snapped, sending him a glare.

"Yeah." Bella sounded. "That's what you said last time."

My mood dropped significantly and I leaned back in my seat, ready to defend myself. However, a vision took hold of my senses, and I stared blankly at the table as images flooded my sight.

Near the border between our land and the Quileute land, Victoria sped through the trees. She raced past the creek, easily clearing it as she taunted the wolves chasing her. From what I could see, the wolves would never catch her. She ran anyway, leaping between the wolves land and our land, teasing the wolves with a sickening grin. As a wolf neared her, she leapt off a cliff, diving perfectly down into the raging ocean.

I came out of the vision before she hit the water, not wanting to deal with water after the last vision I saw concerning water. Jasper sensed my shift in emotion and pulled me closer, shielding me from the prying eyes of Bella's friends. Edward saw the vision too, sharing a look with me before nodding to Jasper. My mate easily picked me up out of my chair and led me out of the cafeteria.

"What did you see, Jo?" He asked, looking down at me with worry flooding his eyes.

"She's coming."


The family stood, without Edward as he had gone to Florida with Bella, in the forest where I saw Victoria. She would run by us soon, I knew this because I frequently looked into her future. Everyone was growing impatient, all itching to get their hands on the red-haired vampire, and they were getting restless.

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asked, scanning the forest around us. I heard Jasper walk closer to me as a vision of Victoria nearing us took over my sight.

"She's almost here." I informed. It was quiet for a moment before I was blinded by another vision of Victoria. She would be here, on our left, very soon. "On your left!"

And just like that, the chase was on. Emmett led the chase, and I brought up the rear. Just like in my vision, Victoria leaped across the treaty line, landing on the other side with a smug smile. I slid to a stop beside Jasper, sneering at the redhead before me.

"She's in their territory now." Carlisle informed. Victoria took off again, and we followed from our side of the treaty line.

"She'll get away!" Esme yelled, running after Victoria. As I ran behind her and Jasper, I saw the wolves emerge and join the chase.

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