Chapter 23

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There was silence for a few moments after the last word came out. "is that really how you feel?" Killua looked away and he smiled. Gon reached over and grabbed his hand. Killua turned to look at him and he placed a hand on his cheek and wiping the tears from his eyes. "G-Gon?" he gently pressed their lips together in a sweet kiss. Killua paused for a second, before kissing him back. He felt Killua move his hand from the bed to his hip and he smiled a little into the kiss. He's gonna freak out when he realizes that four people saw that. Gon pulled back and Killua breathed for a few seconds, before he remembered the other people in the room. At which point he yelped and blushed furiously, covering his face with his hands and looking away. He laughed and Killua shot him a glare "fuck you" Denki snickered ."I thought you said you didn't like him" Killua shot him a glare as well. "fuck off Denki!"

Gon slapped him and he sighed. "ok ok I'm sorry. Please fuck off" Gon snorted . "that wasn't any better" he rolled his eyes. "whatever" Gon giggled and tackled him, to which Killua flushed and tried to throw him off. "B-Baka!" I just got out of the hospital dumbass! Killua kicked him in the face and he giggled, sitting back. "hey! Aren't you two both heavily injured?" he and Gon both looked over at Midoria, who looked worried. Killua chuckled, "oh please, he only broke a few bones" Gon stuck his tongue out. "at least half my arm wasn't disintegrated! " he sighed. "yep. I have 5 broken bones and like 10 fractures or something-" Gon laughed for a few seconds too long and pointed at him. "I've gotten more broken bones than you" Killua put a hand to his head. "that isn't a good thing idiot" he suddenly remembered something. Killua put a hand to his chest and realized that his body suit was still there. "hold on, I wanna do something. Look away people" Gon followed his orders but the other three didn't. "I'm taking off my fake chest, do yall really wanna see that?"

That got them to turn away quick, he took it off and sighed heavily. "dear god finally" Gon turned around and grinned. "I missed your 8 pack" he flushed and everyone else turned back around. "stop being weird!" he slipped off the shirt and threw it at his face. "Ack!" there were still bandages on his arms, although they were kind of itchy. Suddenly he felt a hand on his back and blushed. "Gon what are you doing?" Gon smiled. "I'm tracing your scars" he dimmed a little. "but why?" Killua never liked his scars, they were ugly and reminded him of his family. "because their beautiful" he paused. "don't say things you don't mean" Gon kept tracing a finger along the lines of his scars. "I do mean it, and anybody who calls you ugly is a liar and I'd gladly punch them in the face" he chuckled. "your too nice" Gon giggled and hugged him from behind. "so what?" he blushed a little. "stop it" Gon kissed him on the cheek and he put a hand in his face. "Stop it!"

Gon rolled his eyes. "ok fine I won't show affection" he huffed. "why are you so difficult?" Gon flopped over on the bed. "I dunno, why are you denying having more friends?" he frowned slightly. "we talked about this, I have trust issues. I'd rather stick with one friend and not be fucking backstabbed thank you very much" Gon snorted, "imagine someone stabbing you, oh wait I can" he blinked. "excuse me?" Gon rolled over and then sat up again. "I remember that one time you were used as a human dartboard-" he heard a gasp and he ignored it. "you weren't even there! Who told you?" Gon giggled. "the octopus" he frowned slightly. "oh, Ikalgo" Gon thought for a moment. "why were all his limbs stumpy and short? I thought octopuses had tentacles" he sighed. "well you see, that's a long story"

Gon narrowed his eyes. "Killua I know that tone, please don't tell me you did that to him" he huffed. "he was trying to kill me! I was defending myself!" Gon smirked. "so you admit you did it?" he groaned. "yes fine, I cut off his limbs. Happy?" Gon blinked. "why does he consider you as his friend then?" he shrugged. "no clue, but he saved me from bleeding out and he's fine with his stumpy limbs" he snorted. "never thought you could befriend the enemy" Killua sputtered, "you did too! You tried to make friends with a lot more of them than I did. And only one of them didn't try to kill you" he giggled. "says the one who nearly died there" he scoffed. "I did not nearly die. I just got stabbed a few times with a fish dart thing" Gon smirked. "oh really? Because I'm pretty sure you were in the hospital for a few days" Killua chuckled. "says the one who nearly got his hands blown off for an 'experiment'. " he laughed. "you got your hands all busted up playing dodgeball!" Killua rolled his eyes. "you told me I was the only one who could hold the ball. It's your fault for hitting so hard"

"why do you guys sound like you've faced something like this multiple times already at our age?" they both glanced over to Midoria. "our age?" he snorted, and Gon giggled. "we're actually only 14" their jaws dropped. "no way! How do you have a freaking 8 pack at 14?" he smirked. "actually I got it when I was 12" Gon nodded. "yeah! He can push like 4 tons!" there were gasps and he put a finger up. "it's 16. your bad at math" Gon pouted. "aw man! I can only do two!" he smirked and crossed his legs, putting his hands behind his head. "you'll be on my level one day" Gon rolled his eyes. "ok mr, 'I'm immune to pretty much everything' " he grinned. "Damn right" Gon dislocated his shoulder and he laughed. "was that supposed to hurt?" Gon stuck his tongue out. "oh my god are you ok?" he blinked over at the other three, who looked horrified. "I'm fine, jeez" Killua relocated the bone without even touching it, then rolled his shoulder. "good as new" Gon smacked him. "stop showing off!" he smirked. "can't stop me bi-" Gon shoved him off the bed and he hissed in pain a little as his bad arm hit the ground. "Damn, that actually hurt"

Gon beamed. "I did it!" he got up and poked his arm, making him flinch. "ow!" he chuckled. "you feel that? That's twice as painful as what I feel, and my arm was nearly disintegrated" he grumbled. "why can't I have pain tolerance like you" Killua was finally able to be himself for once, and it felt great. "try getting whipped every day, does wonders" Gon flinched a little. "how can you joke about that?" he shrugged. "how do you joke about near death experiences?" he thought for a moment. "good point, wanna point out other stupid things we did?" he snickered. "you mean like that one time you got 6 broken bones and 25 fractures?" Gon rubbed the back of his head. "I learned a lot from that experience actually" he sat back down and crossed his legs again. "speaking of near death experiences, how the hell did you make it all the way to my house?" Gon giggled. "I broke Illumi's wrist-" Killua's jaw dropped. "no fucking way" he nodded. "yes I did. And I got him to tell me where you were" he grinned. "I wish I could have seen that"

Before Gon could answer someone cleared their throat from behind them. "Ahem" both he and Gon glanced up to see that Detective Tsukauchi was standing there, in front of the other three students. "I was told to question yo-" Killua rolled his eyes. "come on old man, you already did that twice." he crossed his arms. "the first time you nearly stabbed me" Gon hit him on the back of the head. "what did I say about stabbing!" he rolled his eyes. "not to" Gon nodded. "exactly" he growled. "bitch tried to drag me back home" Gon blinked. "Oh. I don't blame you for it now" the detective stood there for a moment. "what's so bad about this family of yours?" Killua scoffed ."what isn't bad, their assholes and tried to use me. Also I didn't want to be the heir to the family business " Gon nodded. "Illumi's a bitch" he agreed with that whole heartedly. "you guys can leave now" the three of his classmates filed out of the room without a word, then Tsukauchi sat down on a chair. "would you like to tell me why you freaked out a few minutes ago?"

Killua stiffened slightly, then looked away. "No" it was bad enough just thinking about it, but explaining it? He couldn't do that without crying. He felt Gon pull him closer and turned. "lay down" he huffed, then complied. Gon ran his fingers through his hair as Killua lay his head on his lap. It felt nice, but he knew it wouldn't last for long. "it was pretty much PTSD" Gon said. He started to breath heavy just thinking about it and he felt Gon run his fingers through his fluffy white locks again. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to listen. "I'm not going into detail, but I was in a coma" he turned and sat up a little, before shoving his face into Gon's chest as he gave him a hug. He heard the detective gasp, "holy shit, that's a lot of scars" he was about to move when Gon put a hand on his back, and started to trace the lines. Killua blushed a little but turned his body fully in the right direction, his previous position had been heavily twisted and uncomfortable.

Gon let his fingers trail along Killua's scars. They were awful, but they weren't ugly. They were beautiful, because it was part of Killua. "long story short, he was trained harshly ever since he was little" Gon looked up and saw the horrified expression on the detective's face. "all this, from training?" he shrugged slightly. "most of it, some of these were from... other things" he said, trying not to get mad. I hate Killua's family. Their all assholes. He thought about that for a moment. Except Alluka and Nanika. Killua mumbled something into his chest and he blushed slightly. "need something?" Killua looked up, and he saw that he was trying to keep his expression as neutral as possible. "I'm trained to endure torture, be resistant to poisons, jump off tall buildings, how to use any sort of weapon, how to torture people too " Gon saw the detective's face pale a little more at every one he listed. "how old are you guys again?" Killua blinked once up at Gon, then sighed. "14 I think, although I haven't been back to my estate much since 12. I think I went back once and it was against my will."

1897 words

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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