Chapter 18

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Both Jiro and Denki's jaws dropped. "you're supposed to be the innocent one" Killua snorted, "innocent? Yes. Right in the head? No." he pointed at Gon. "this idiot is mentally unstable" Gon pouted slightly, "but why?" he snorted, "first of all, the fact that I've seen the type of shit you do when you're in an arena" Gon blinked. "like what?" he snickered, "remember they guy with the aura powered wheelchair?" Gon's eyes started to gleam, "oh yeah! He zapped you with his electric snake things but you took all of it and used it on him!" he nodded. "now do you remember how your fight went?" that was hilarious, but Gon scared the absolute shit out of him. "oh yeah! I almost broke his wrists and pretended to electrocute him with his own weapons, he passed out" Killua snorted, "he didn't just pass out, he started foaming at the mouth. You scared the shit out of him"

Gon giggled, "well that's what he gets for trying to blackmail us!" he grinned. "remember when the guy with the invisible arm didn't show up to either of his matches?" Gon nodded, "I assumed he just got scared" Killua put his hands behind his head with a smirk, "I went into his room and scared the absolute shit out of him, all it took was a dagger and my best glare" Gon stuck his tongue out. "I'm not even mad about that, he deserved it for kidnapping Zushi" Gon swung his legs a little, "I feel bad for the guy with the doubles though, he almost had Hisoka" Killua shook his head, "no, he was just toying with him at the end. Once he figured out his ability he was just doing magic tricks until he worked his opponent to death" Gon slid off the branch sideways and he nearly got a heart attack, until he looked down and saw that he was hanging by his legs. "I wonder if there's any good fighting arenas around here, the one I was at a couple days ago sucked"

Killua glared down at him. "Baka! those are Illegal here" he shrugged, "so is pickpocketing. You do more Illegal stuff than I do!" he frowned slightly. "like what?" he was actually interested in what Gon would say. Gon lifted a finger for every Illegal thing he named. "Shoplifting, pickpocketing, gambling, I'm pretty sure threatening to kill someone is Illegal, Lying to police, just plain theft, stabbing, do I need to go on?" he shook his head, "nope, I also regret nothing" he crossed his legs and smirked. "I feel kind of worried" he glanced back at Denki. "don't be" Gon smiled brightly, "also, I got permission from the principal to come to your school tomorrow" his jaw dropped. "no fucking way!" he nodded and gave him another hug, this time he let him. "anyways, it's late. Let's go to my place" Gon wouldn't let go so he sighed. "are you really gonna make me do this?" he giggled and Killua picked him up bridal style, "sometimes I hate you" he shot a glare at the other two before hopping on his skateboard and going home.

Gon poked around his room for a few minutes while he took off his wig and sat down on the bed. He came back over and sat next to him. "I have a few questions" he nodded. "ask away" the first thing Gon did was poke his chest, which made him flush slightly. "how the heck did you do that?" he grabbed his tablet, "well, apparently you can buy them on the internet" he leaned over and gaped at the website. "woah!" he closed the page and leaned back, "also, it looks really realistic and I don't really take it off" I don't feel comfortable looking at that every day, and what if Midnight barges into my room. "so, what are you going by? Because you can't use Gon" Gon giggled, "so my fake name is Zoldyck Freeces, because people go by last names here so I won't get confused" he actually did something smart.

"nice, Oh!" he sat up. "I can't remember what I was doing before I woke up in an alleyway, do you remember?" Gon nodded. "so, we were sleeping when you disappeared, but I started to like disintegrate in the middle of the street" that worried him a little, was it painful? What about Alluka? "Alluka was with me so she knows where I am I think" suddenly he remembered something. "Gon" he looked over, "yeah?" Killua bit his lip. "I... during lunch" he started, and Gon looked serious, probably because he was worried. "I heard Illumi's voice in my head, telling me to kill someone" Gon's eyes widened. "but-" he growled, "I know! I think there's another one!" he looked away. "I've killed two people so far, I completely lose control of my body when I resist it for too long" Gon put his head on his shoulder. "it's not your fault" he turned and snuggled into Gon's chest. "but, one of them had a ring! He was about to propose to somebody and I took it away"

He felt himself start to cry, "what if I end up killing one of my classmates?" Gon ruffled his hair, not his wig but his real hair this time. "you won't, I'll be there with you next time" he closed his eyes and breathed deeply for a few moments, he needed this. Gon was slowly healing and pulling him out of his mini depression and bringing light back. You are my light. He reached over and turned off the light, then made Killua let go. "how about we snuggle?" Killua nodded, then as he laid down Gon rested his head on his chest. He closed his eyes with a smile, drifting into a peaceful sleep. I can't wait for tomorrow.

He jolted awake when the door banged open. "Hey gir-ohhh" he shot Midnight a glare, "shh" Gon was still sleeping, and he was adorable. He watched with a slight blush as Gon woke up with a cute little yawn. He's so fucking adorable I want to scream. When he woke up, he turned over and wrapped his arms around Killua's body. "snuggle" he flushed and ruffled Gon's hair, "get up" Gon mumbled something into his chest and he shoved Gon's head off him. It wouldn't have been as awkward if he didn't have the body suit thing on. "ow" he sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm barely awake Killua, give me a break" he huffed and sat up, then Gon leaned back on his shoulder and he flushed. "Gon!" he glanced backwards. "what?" he shot Midnight a glare again, who was trying hard not to laugh. "your too clingy, you show way too much affection"

Gon shrugged, "well that's the way I am, deal with it" he blushed again as Gon beamed at him. "stop it" Gon giggled and leaned on him so much he fell over onto the bed. "School's in less than an hour" Gon then leapt out of bed and grabbed his uniform off the small dresser. "Killua! Come on!" he sighed and closed the door in Midnight's face, then locked it before Gon started to change. Killua changed with his face to the wall because he was embarrassed, how was Gon so shameless when it came to stuff like that? "I have a question" he glanced over his shoulder as he was slipping on his skirt, "yeah?" Gon walked over and kissed him on the cheek, which made him flush. "Baka!" he giggled, then grabbed his hand. "so, are we dating now?" he had to restrain himself from making a weird sound, which he was very tempted to do. "I guess" he muttered. "but it's a secret! No acting like a couple in public!" he snapped. "ok"

About 10 minutes later they got to school, which was very early but it was Gon's idea. "why do we need to be in the classroom 45 minutes early?" Gon giggled as he walked over and sat down. "I'm not sure I like that face" that expression was the face he made when he was planning something. Gon sat down on his desk, facing him. "you don't have to be shy because there's nobody here" he pointed out. Killua flushed, "wait, you mea-" he was cut off as Gon slid into his lap and kissed him, Killua tried to struggle at first but then relaxed with a slight sigh. I mean, it does feel nice and he's right. Killua brought his hands behind Gon's head and ran his fingers through his hair a little. "Mh~ Nmh~ Hhh~" he blushed slightly as Gon put a hand on his chest. They sat like that for a few minutes before Gon pulled back, "you taste like chocolate" Killua flushed and gave him a small glare, "stop being weird"

Gon giggled and he found himself blushing hard as he shifted forward, using his other hand to mess with his hair. "I just brushed that!" Gon ignored him and kept doing it. All of a sudden Gon leaned down and kissed his neck, "Ahmhn~" he blushed furiously at the weird nose. "Gon" he did it again and Killua felt a shiver go down his spine. "s-stop it" Gon only kept doing it, making him squirm. He wasn't sure why he fidgeted like that, it did feel good but for some reason his body kept moving. "Nhh~" his hands were trying to push Gon away but he kept doing it. "Gon please!" he pulled back with a slight frown. "but why?" he flushed and pointed to his neck. "you made a fucking mark" Gon blinked and poked it, "oh" he scowled and smacked him, but not too hard. "I'm sor-" Killua pressed forward and Gon squeaked in surprise, before deepening the kiss a little. If we're gonna kiss, we're gonna kiss. The neck thing feels weird. Although he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. Suddenly the door swung open, "What the fuck is going on here?"

1685 words

To be continued...

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