Chapter 2

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Well shit. He was currently using Zetsu to hide in the shadow of a building as he listened to the news. "there is currently a criminal in question on the run. From what a pro hero told us, this criminal appears to be a Male child around 14" I'm actually 13, but that helps me. "he has curly white locks, short hair, last seen wearing a navy blue turtleneck, and baggy gray pants. His name is Killua, as of now we have no last name" that was just great, he had to change his entire look. Except the eyes, I get to keep my sapphires. He thought with a slight smile. Gon loved his eyes, and he would keep them as long as he could.

Then he started to think. If they knew his gender, it would be easier to dress as a girl. Killua knew how to put on makeup and a dress would hide his muscles. He also had to get a wig, it specifically said 'curly white locks' and 'short hair' so if he got long hair then they couldn't suspect him. Perfect, now to find a store without a T.V. he continued to slip through the shadows while scouting. In the middle of scouting he realized that he needed money to buy things. After he realized that fact he started to pickpocket strangers until he found a suitable building. Killua ended up having about 250 bucks by the time he found a good place, it was small and had little people.

When Killua walked in the door he couldn't help the gleam in his eye, there were beautiful outfits everywhere. He made himself focus, walking up to the counter. The woman who was there looked pretty old, with a brown bun that seemed to be graying around the edges. She smiled and stood up, "hello, is there anything you came for? Or are you just here for browsing?" he smiled back a little, this woman seemed kind and sweet. She seems genuine, which means she probably doesn't know who I am. "yeah, I'm looking for a white wig. I don't really have a preference about the style but it has to be long" he put a hand 4 inches below his shoulder. "about here maybe?" she nodded, "alright, wait here for a few minutes"

Killua glanced around the room while he was waiting, most of the wigs here seemed to be for cosplaying. Maybe I'll try it some day. He thought, then snapped himself out of that thought before he could think all depressingly about Gon. As he looked closer, for some reason all the wigs were for girls. No boy wigs? Not that I need one but what if someone else does? He paused. Then I do not care. Killua gave no shits about random people who wanted wigs. About 5 minutes later, the woman came out of the back room with two wigs. "they're both some of the expensive ones, about 45 dollars" he put a finger out to examine the first one, it was the same color as his own hair, straight all the way down to the middle where it curled a bit, but not too much. The second one had a navy blue streak in it, but it was more curly and the bangs were low. He took out his wallet, which he also pickpocketed from some random stranger, removed all identification, and sifted through his money. He pointed to the first wig and handed her the cash. "I'd like that one please"

As soon as he made his way outside, he put on the wig in an alleyway. He took out a small makeup mirror that he always had in a pocket of his backpack and looked at himself. "perfect" the wig covered up all his other hair, and it was flawless. I've never had long hair before. He sighed, next was the dresses which he had been kind of dreading. How the hell will I ever pull off a dress? I mean, I look good in most things but sometimes you just can't. As he Godspeeded his way through the streets, keeping his wig on with Nen so it didn't fall off, he looked for a dress store. He couldn't just walk around with this outfit on, they had it on T.V so he needed a new outfit. He finally found one that he liked, practicing his female voice a few times before walking in. he faked a sweet smile as he walked in, waving at the cashier and then going over all the dresses in his size. He sulked a little as he looked through the dresses, then stopped and stared. Woah, that one's beautiful. (pretend it's longer, I really liked this design)

The shawl thing would completely cover the fact that I don't have a big chest, not to mention that it's long enough to where I don't have to show much skin

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The shawl thing would completely cover the fact that I don't have a big chest, not to mention that it's long enough to where I don't have to show much skin. He felt the sleeves and his eyes gleamed, the cloth was so perfect, this was the one. He thought more about this crossdressing thing, maybe it's not so bad, I just have to get a fake ID and some sort of apartment. He was stroking the dress when he heard a voice, "hey young lady" he glanced over his shoulder to see what looked like a woman in about her 30s. "you got your eye on that one?" she smiled sweetly, "well, it's one of our cheaper ones, only 40$" he kept his sweet smile on his face. Only 40$? That leaves me enough for makeup and a small 1 room apartment.

Killua turned and lifted the dress off the hanger. "I do quite like this one, is it available at the moment?" good thing he learned how to 'talk proper' for diplomatic situations, or else he would be so out of place right now. "why yes, we can go wrap it up for you right now" he stroked the dress again, "may I wear it out?" the woman nodded, pointing over to the dressing rooms. "just make sure to pay on your way out" he made his way into the dressing room and slipped it on, the dress came a few inches below the knees. I might have to get some shorts just in case, what if I have to jump somewhere? He donned the shawl and turned to the mirror, smirking and doing a pose. "well damn" but what did I expect? I look good in everything. He then stopped and put his wig back on, doing a more feminine pose. "that's more like it" he said in his female voice. What was more, is that the thing had fucking pockets. He had to infuse them with Nen so they didn't break under the force of his Yoyos though. Killua made his way out with a generous tip and went to find makeup.

Approximately an hour later he walked out of a crowded mall with 2 bags. One of them was filled with makeup, the 'cheap' kind. He kind of got one of each because he couldn't decide on what he wanted and blew most of his money. In the other bag was a brush, a bra, because if I'm going to pass off as a girl I need one, a pair of blue shorts that matched his dress, some lollipops, and his 6 strapped bag. The one thing he didn't like about pretending to be a girl, was that he couldn't keep his bag on him. Killua sighed, making his way to a small looking apartment building. He had to pickpocket in the mall because he spent too much money and ran out. He checked his wallet, I have almost 400$, it should be enough for a few days. Oh, and he also got a cheap tablet because he needed one. Thankfully the building had Wifi, but when he walked in he got skeptical looks from the person at the desk. "how may I help you?"

He smiled sweetly, "I'd like 1 room for a week, I'll take the smallest one you have" the lady still looked skeptical. "alright, that'll be room 2C, it's 25 a night " he sighed, taking out some money. He set the 175$ in cash on the table and the lady's eyebrows raised. "the room's yours" he gave her another sweet smile before heading off. As soon as he walked in he sighed, it was about the size of a small bedroom. But with a microwave, a few cabinets, a bed, a small dresser, and a lamp. He checked the time really quick, 7:50. Killua locked his door to prevent snooping, closing his windows also. He then slipped off his dress and placed his wig on the lamp, without turning it on of course. He was too tired to unpack so he grabbed his tablet and a lollipop, scrolling through random pointless shit.

Killua transferred his notes from his notebook to his Tablet, then started to write more. He would look over whatever notes he'd written every night before bed, and morning after he woke up for the last couple days. Tomorrow I'll do some research and walk around to get a feel of the city. Killua typed lazily with one finger. 'put on wig and dress before you go outside' he probably didn't need to remind himself, but even he does forget sometimes. 'you are a girl now' he sighed, eyes starting to close. "continue this tomorrow" he mumbled to himself, tapping the power button and sliding it on the far side of the bed. He snuggled into the blankets, shoving his face into the pillow. Maybe tomorrow I'll get some answers.

1632 words

To be continued...

this is going to be a once a day thing, but when these start out it's better to post twice a day so I'm doing it.

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