Chapter 9

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Killua frowned a little, "usually I don't tell people this, but I don't like the way my back looks" you know, it being heavily scarred and ugly as hell because of it. She shrugged, "there are plenty of sexy outfits that cover your back" he sighed, "yeah I guess" Midnight suddenly cracked her whip and he paused, glancing at her. "somethings up" she started running so he did too, activating En to see what the problem was. That's a lot of people in one building. Midnight moved towards that building and he grabbed the same shred of curtain he used at the burning house just in case. "don't worry about me with your gas" he said, keeping pace easily. She nodded and suddenly got a phone call, " Midnight agency, we got a hostage situation on-" he pivoted and started running towards the direction of the crowded building, Midnight blinked and then followed him. "how do you know where the crime is?"

He ignored her, running as fast as he could without being suspicious. "sensed a lot of people in a building we passed, thought it was weird but didn't tell you" he said after a moment. As soon as they neared the building he activated Zetsu. "25 hostages, 5 villains" he whispered, taking out a taser. "I doubt you'd get close enough to use that" he shook his head, turning it on. "wait hol-" he brought it to his arm and pretended to wince slightly, then slipped it back into his pocket before activating Godspeed. "I'll go for the hostages, you fight" she nodded and the both crashed through a window. One of the guys started to shoot at a hostage and he whipped out his yoyo, deflecting bullets. "EVERYBODY STAY CALM" he shouted, then started moving people out of the building lightning fast.

It took him about 3 minutes to remove everybody, Midnight was still fighting. "all clear!" she smirked, then ripped her clothes. As the pink mist started to fill the room he put the cloth over his mouth. Suddenly there was a gunshot and he couldn't move his yoyo fast enough. Shit. He tried to catch the bullet but it dug into his hand. Damn it! He leapt upwards and smashed through the ceiling to get the sniper, emptying his gun and smashing his head into a wall. He got blood on his shoes, damn it. When he jumped down he dropped the guy on the floor and the mist had cleared, more bodies littered the ground. "nice work kiddo" then she paused, "wait, there was a gunshot wasn't there?" he chuckled, "I can outrun a bullet" then he sighed, showing his hand. "but it was aiming for you" she gasped, "that looks bad! I'll get you an ambulan-" he silenced her with a hand, then took out a dagger.

Killua put the cloth between his teeth and sucked in a breath, then pried the dagger out. He grunted in pain as the bloody bullet clattered to the floor. Killua then took the cloth out of his mouth and wrapped it around his hand. "all good, might leave a scar though" Midnight gave him a worried look. "you did that too well. Like you've done it before" he shrugged, "my family trained me how to do that" that was half true, even though he hated his family they had taught him all he knows. Well, most of it. "anyways, we got a crowd outside the building now" there were 6 villains so they took 3 each, hauling them out and dropping them on the sidewalk. There were cameras so he put his hands behind his head with a slight smirk, posing a little. Midnight gave a wink and did her own pose, "you're not too bad Luka"

After he evaded the reporters, he somehow nearly ran into Denki. 'Luka!" he paused, then gasped. "oh my god there's blood on your clothes! Are you alright?" he sighed heavily, ready to go home. "check the news, I'm going home to fucking sleep" he frowned down at his outfit. "damn it, I did get blood on my clothes" he went back to his house and cleaned the wound, Killua had bought some healing ointment and bandages because you never know when your gonna need some. He also made sure to grab some gloves for school tomorrow, it would probably freak his class out if he had a fucking bullet wound in school tomorrow.

The next day he also got to school early, although he may have miscalculated time and gotten there an hour before he should have. What do I do? He explored the room for a few minutes, then happened upon a pen and some paper. "nice" he said to himself, then got a few sheets before going to his desk. Killua spent a while drawing Gon, blushing a little as he did so. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but it sure as hell wasn't an hour so he put his hands behind his head and his feet crossed at the ankles on his desk. He sat like that for a few minutes, thinking. Eventually he started to drift into sleep, and he let the dark abyss take him. Might as well take a nap, there's nobody here.

Killua woke up to someone poking his shoulder, "Luka" he sighed heavily, "what do you need Denk-" he opened his eyes and frowned slightly. "why's the entire class at my desk?" it wasn't exactly the entire class, but everybody except for 4 people were there. "you were on the news!" Midoria exclaimed. "oh yeah, that" he sighed heavily, bringing his feet down. "you must have been pretty scared if you were at the crime scene" he snorted, "I wasn't a hostage, I helped the others escape while Midnight took care of the villains" there were a few murmurs, "that still didn't explain why you had blood on your clothes last night" Denki said, which got him more alarmed mutters. "may have smashed someone's head into a wall because he shot me, but that's besides the poin-" , "YOU GOT SHOT?" someone yelled, and suddenly the entire class including the teacher was looking at him.

Killua growled a little. "it was on the hand and I'm fine, stop crowding me" some of the people cleared off but about 10 stayed, which was half the class still. "can I see it?" Midoria said tentatively. "if I show you, will you leave me alone?" he nodded vigorously and he sighed, slipping off a glove to reveal the shiny red spot in the middle of his hand. "it's not that bad, might leave a scar though" he slipped the glove back on and the teacher came in. "alright class-" English was boring as hell, so was all the other shit. He gave Midnight a wink in the middle of the art history class and he gave her a wink back. I think she might be my closest friend here. Which was kind of sad, he should probably have friends near his age. I don't need any, Denki's fine as a filler for Gon in the meantime so I don't get depressed.

At lunch he searched through the options and came across the dessert section. "ooh" the prices were really cheap so he bought 3 chocolate cupcakes and an oreo shake, he also bought some sushi because he needed actual food. He was munching on a cupcake when Denki sat down next to him with a burger. "did you get any real food?" he pointed to 5 small things of sushi, they had come together and were only 5 bucks. "sushi is real food" he scrunched his face a little, "how is raw fish good?" he shrugged, then got another idea. "I wonder if this will work" he took off the lid and stuck a finger into his shake, it was kind of liquidy but not too much. Like how a shake should be. "hold on, is that the same thing you did to make the chocolate cup to add more sugar?" he nodded. "for some reason, when I use my quirk on water and other liquids it makes it sweeter" again a half truth. He then tasted it, "pretty good" Killua stirred it with a spoon and then put his lid back on. "hey, can I sit here?"

Killua looked up to see Midoria standing there with his signature smile. "I guess" he took a slurp of his shake and grinned. "awesome" he then got another idea. Killua uncapped his shake again, ignoring the stares he got from other tables and dunked his cupcake in. he shoved it into his mouth with a contended sigh. Two people sat down at their table without asking, first was Iida and the second was Infinity girl. "it's highly inappropriate to be-" Killua let an arm thud down on the table, sitting up a little and giving him an icy glare. "I can't stand you, just let me eat my damn food" he did some robot hand thing and he was almost amused. "you can't just eat sugar! You have to have something healthy" Killua pointed to his 3 left over sushi's. "sushi, now let me eat my damn chocolate" he dipped again and licked his lips, Killua was about to reach for another cupcake when he realized he at them all. "damn it, that was the best-" suddenly he heard a buzzing noise. "huh?" his vision blurred in and out and he brought a hand to his head. Kill them.

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To be continued...

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