Chapter 13

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Gon missed Killua. Ever since he disappeared a week ago nobody could find him. He, Alluka, and Killua had been traveling around together when one day they woke up and he was gone. He found it hard to keep smiling, Killua was all he could worry about now. Gon was walking with Alluka through Yorknew when suddenly he couldn't feel his fingertips. "huh?" he gasped when he looked down to see that he was disintegrating. "ALLUKA" she whipped around and reached out for him. "Gon!" he now only had elbows and his feet started to go too. But, I don't feel like I'm dying. He paused and watched as his particles disappeared. Alluka was clutching him and sobbing so he gave her a kiss on the cheek, he would pat her head if he had hands. "Alluka, it doesn't hurt" she looked up with tears still running down her face. "maybe this is what happened to Killua, don't be sad" she nodded, hugging him one last time before he got sucked into the darkness.

When he came too he had all of his limbs, that was the first thing he noticed. The second thing he noticed, was that he was on a very hard floor surrounded by strangers. "you good kid?" he sat up, blinking a few times. "yeah I'm good" Gon glanced around and realized it was some place like heavens arena, where people fight and there were seats all around to watch from. There was a cage around the fighting stage though, probably to prevent stray attacks. One of the people helped him up and he rubbed the back of his head. "so uhm, how do I sign up for a fight?" most of the people started in surprise. "but you're a kid" he nodded. "yeah? So? As long as I make money I don't mind" one of the guys put a hand on his shoulder, looking worried. "kid. You could die" his heart beat a little faster and bounced a bit. "really?" he nodded gravely. "that sounds fun! I haven't had a good fight in a while"

The small crowd of 4 went silent. "well, I guess I could sign you up" the one with short blonde hair said cautiously. "great!" he then noticed that he had his fishing rod and his usual clothes, also his bag which he had not had on him at the time he disintegrated. "come with me kid" he followed the man over to a desk, which had a woman who kind of reminded him of the elevator lady from heavens arena. "this kid wants to sign up" her eyebrows raised. "oh really?" he nodded. "yeah! I hear I could die, but that only makes the thrill better!" she looked at him strangely for a few moments. "ok, but since you're a minor half of your money has to go to a guardian" he glanced over at the man. "I guess he can have it, my family's not around here and he can tell me how this place works!"

Gon beamed, to which the other guy gave him an awkward smile. "alright, what do you want your ring name to be? I suggest not using your real name" he thought for a moment, then slipped his hunters exam tag out of his pocket. "I'll go by 405" he said cheerily, sticking the tag onto his shirt. "alright, your first fight is in 5 minutes" he squealed a little, grabbing his new guardian's hand and bouncing. "so soon? Can you tell me everything about this place now?" he sighed. "alright, let's go find a seat" they sat down in one of the seats about halfway up, the fight currently happening was against some ninja looking guy and someone with horns. They ran at each other, stabbing and slashing. "so, first my name's Viro" he said, "ok Mr. Viro! What are the rules?" he sighed heavily. "no destroying the stage, and no attacking the audience" those rules sounded pretty easy. "I might have a hard time with that first one" Viro looked sideways at him. "why?"

He shook his head, "you'll see when it's my turn" then Viro added something, "oh yeah, and your allowed to use your quirk" what does that word mean again? "I'm sorry Mr. Viro, but I don't remember what that word means" he frowned slightly. "I'm not that smart when it comes to words and math" he sighed. "your quirk is a power that 80% of the population is born with" so my Nen? That's good to know. "something you should know, is that this is Illegal" he tilted his head, "why? I've been to an arena like this and it wasn't" Viro blinked a few times. "you probably wouldn't understand, anyways if you get 10 consecutive wins you get your own room here" he giggled, "how long will that take?" Gon didn't know where he was, but it was better not to worry. Killua's here, and I will find him. "depends, if you start today you might have one before 11:30" suddenly the fight ended, the one with horns won. "Next up is 405, and Taila" he bounced over with Viro, who explained to him how to enter properly.

Once he was in the ring he got boos and hisses, probably because he was a kid and 'taila' was a huge burly guy with 3 tails. "I'm gonna give you a few broken bones" he grinned. Gon giggled and bounced on his feet. "I'm stronger than I look" as soon as the starting horn went off, he leapt over a charge and landed on Taila's back. When he did that, Gon hit the pressure point that Killua taught him to use. The guy thumped to the ground with him on his back, and there was dead silence. ''405 is the victor with 1 win!" the crowd roared and he waved to them, beaming. "hehehe!" Gon exited and got his money, which wasn't much but he was fighting the weaker people right now. It's very similar to heavens area, I wonder how far Killua made it. He ran back over to Viro and sat down, eyes gleaming. "that was fun! Can I do another?"

Gon had spent a couple hours climbing the ranks, he had gotten 8 wins and no losses. He already heard whispers of people calling him names like green dagger, and Emerald chop. These names were very weird but he shook them off, Viro was very proud of him and so was he. "great job 405! You got almost 50 in one day!" he smiled at him, ignoring the next fight. He had used En and wasn't very good at it, but he could tell that Killua wasn't on this floor. "once you get 25 wins you start to earn more money and your allowed to kill your opponent" he grinned, "I should be there by tomorrow!" Viro ruffled his hair, which he enjoyed. "you really are something kid" Gon beamed and listened for his next fight. "also, the fighter's rooms have speakers so you can hang out there until your called" he glanced over at him. "hey Viro, have you ever gotten 10 consecutive wins?" he shook his head, "no, I only got 5 before I nearly broke every bone in my body"

He frowned slightly, "I broke like 5 or 6 bones once, I guess I can kind of guess what you felt like" that got him a worried look from Viro. "what the hell were you doing?" he rubbed the back of his head, "I was at another fighting arena like this one, didn't listen to my teacher and jumped into a fight way too early" Gon sighed. "next up is 405 and Traxe" before he could stand up Viro put a hand on his arm. "wait, Traxe can control how hard his skin is and won't be affected by your chop" Gon nodded, then made his way into the ring. Traxe was a guy with short black hair and no shirt, he wasn't as buff as Killua but he still was pretty good. "I've heard about you newbie" Traxe glared down at him. "get ready to lose" Gon said nothing, nearly vibrating with excitement. When the horn went off, Traxe didn't move. " your little neck chop won't work on me" he said, as Gon darted behind him. Little did Traxe know, that wasn't his plan this time.

Gon acted like he was going for his neck, then dove and went for his legs, knocking him to the ground. Before Traxe could react Gon grabbed his wrists and wrenched them behind his back, smashing his face into the ground and stepping on his back. There was shouting from below and around him as Traxe struggled, but he was too strong. "why the hell are you so strong brat!" he giggled, "you'll never know" Gon just stood there for a few seconds. "do you give up or am I gonna have to break an arm?" Traxe glared up at him with intense hatred, "neve- AHHH!" Gon cleanly snapped an arm, taking a page from Hanzo's book. There were very few who were as stubborn as him. "but I used my quirk!" he giggled, then whispered "it doesn't matter how strong you make yourself, I can bend solid iron" he yelled in pain as Gon poked his broken arm with his foot. "I SURRENDER!" He stepped off and helped Traxe up, "the winner is 405, with 9 wins"

When Gon checked the time, it was only 6:00. he ran back over to Viro for praise and he gave it, petting his hair again. "you starting to grow on me kid" Gon swung his legs back and forth, "this is fun, I haven't been to an arena like this in a year or two" it was easy to lose track of time when you were traveling with your best friend. Who also happens to be your crush. Gon blushed slightly at that thought, he had liked Killua ever since greed island. "something on your mind?" he broke out of his thoughts and sighed. "just thinking about something" Gon was quiet for a few moments. "next up is 405 and Klitz" Gon bounced to his feet, beaming. "I can't wait for this next match"

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To be continued...

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