Dry Heaving on Their Front Lawn

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Do you remember that one thing Marcus had said in the car earlier. Something about bending me over his knee? Yeah well we're currently sitting in the back seat of their truck with me over his knee.

"Listen this is just a big misunderstanding," I try to reason as he holds me down, "I meant I couldn't come today. Yep, I don't have any of my stuff packed."

"So you will come back with us?" Mason asks sitting in the front passenger seat.

"Is it in branchville?" I question.

"Yes," they respond in unison.

"Of course I'll go," I try to sit up but only get pushed back down, "I said I'll go."

"This isn't because you said you wouldn't go. It's for that mouth of yours," Marcus says bringing his hand down on my ass.

"Ow! Look we can talk it out or kiss it out whatever works for you," I cover my butt with my hands.

"Kiss it out?" Mason questions.

"Yep," I nod my head. Before I know it I'm straddling Marcus with his lips on mine. At least I know that will get them.

After a heated make out session, I'm picked up off of Marcus and put onto masons lap, his lips attaching to mine. It doesn't take long for me to pull back out of breath. I'm not the most athletic girl.

"You'll come with us?" Mason asks I guess not trusting what I said earlier.

"If I can get a puppy," I state crossing my arms.

"There's no room for a dog," Marcus answers.

"Then I guess there's no room for me," I sigh.

"We have a puppy at home," Mason elbows Marcus.

"What kind of puppy is it?" I narrow my eyes at them.

"It's a wolf cub," Marcus nods his head.

"There's a separate meaning behind that," I glance between both of them with narrow eyes.

Marcus puts me in my seat ignoring my comment. Mason does the same putting on his seat belt. Marcus slides out of the back and into his own seat starting the truck. I fasten my seat belt and watch as the restaurant becomes a blur.

Trees take the place of the small town and eventually we're met with a large black farm home or mansion. It was large enough to hold a family of 25 and still look cozy. Surrounding the home are children playing and what looks like a large garden. To the side there's a path that leads to tons of tiny homes all big enough for a large family.

"This is the pack house," Marcus says parking in front of the house.

"It definitely could hold a whole pack," I mumble in astonishment. The boys laugh, probably to that being an understatement.

"We have quite a bit more in our pack than what could fit in the house," Mason says opening his door.

"Among the adult we have over 2,000. That doesn't include children under 18," Markus says opening my door and helping me down.

"Oh lord," my mind drifts off to this being their home, the place their parents may reside, "am I meeting parents right now?"

"Mothers? Yes. Fathers? Possibly not," was Masons quick reply.

"I'm going to throw up," I double over grabbing my knees.

"Oh no! Is she sick?" A yell comes from what seems to be very close. I look up seeing the eyes of three children.

"No, she's okay," Mason replies rubbing my back.

"You okay lady?" One of the girls ask. She was the oldest of the group and not any older than eight. She had on a dull green dress with white flowers. Mind you covered in dirt and what looked like spaghetti sauce.

"Just peachy," I smile.

"Mama said those words come from liars," the littlest said. She have on a bright pink dress with her brown hair in pigtails. She looks to be maybe 4.

"Go play girls and Melody don't call people liars," Mason pushes as the girls sulk and walk away.

"Marcus! You better tell me you-" a plump black haired lady comes rushing onto the porch with an apron and a mitten on.

"Mom," Marcus starts and my heart lurches as I try not to dry heave on their front lawn.

"Is this the girl?" She asks throwing the mitten into Marcus' hands and pulling me into a hug. She smells like cinnamon rolls and I instantly relax never wanting to leave her hold.

"It is. This is Evelyn," Mason says. They say some more words back and forth but I can't seem to realize them as I'm caught in her embrace. Before I know it I'm pulled into another pair of arms only this women was slightly taller and had a strawberry shortcake smell. I again fade out all conversation as I get caught in the sweet motherly embrace that cradles me.

She pulls away from the hug and I'm met with a spitting imagine of Mason. I smile at the women as they smile at me.

"Right Evelyn?" Marcus asks. My eyes drift to him as if he expected me to actually listen to what they were talking about. I nod my head assuming he asked a yes or no question. He narrows his eyes but says nothing more.

"Come in," Masons mom pulls me into the home, that I was right about. It was so homey and comfortable. The smell absolutely ate at my mind. It was ocean breeze mixed with a dull cinnamon scent. The mix may not seem that inviting, but it was absolutely absorbing.

"We have been baking cookies," Marcus Mom guides us to the kitchen and on a big serving tray we're dozens of cookies. All ranging from different types. My mouth watered at the sight and I swear I stopped breathing for a second.

"Here take a plate," Masons mom hands me a plate with a couple of each type of cookie. I squeal and sit at the large island. I eat my cookies as the others talk about, well I'm not even entirely sure, as I breath in the precious sent of such delicacies.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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