One Step At A Time (EDITED :))

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This is the newest and improved version 👍🏼 (Marcus and Mason are not twins 😁)

I look at myself in the small floor length mirror. My body is something I've always been proud of. I'm slim with slight curves. I weigh 130 pounds and I'm 5'4. I guess you could say I'm pretty average. I have long bleached white hair and bright blue eyes.

I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to getting what I want. Most people call me a brat, but I'm just taking advantage of my resources.

"Put this on Evelyn," Emma, my best friend for as long as I can remember, says shoving a dress into my hands. I roll my eyes and slip the dress on.

"It makes me look like a slut," I state to Emma about the black short dress. It hugged me too tightly and went to about mid thigh. Not to mention it had tons of spots cut out showing more skin.

"It's supposed to," she replies nodding her head and passing me some black glittery heels. Great something else I'm going to hate wearing.

My birthday is in three days and Emma wants to take me to some stupid club saying, 'you only turn eighteen once.' Yes, and I'd like to live past it without liver damage or an unwanted pregnancy.

"Okay, grab your stuff and let's go," she says picking up her stuff. Her dress was just as slutty as mine and I don't understand why I'm having to wear this shit. For fucks sake I'm not looking to hook up with anyone.

I grab my phone and wallet. This was going to be a long night.

After a 20 minute Uber drive we arrive at a club called Patience. How cute.

"Okay remember if anyone asks your 22," Emma states handing me a fake ID. I take it and show it to the bouncer as we step into the club.

"This is stupid!" I yell over the music but Emma shakes her head and walks to the dance floor leaving me. What a bitch. Sometimes I even wonder why I'm still friends with her.

I make my way to the bar, getting groped many times may I add. I take a seat that's not surrounded by people.

"Can I get you something?" The bartender asks.

"A water," I state. I don't drink. My father is an alcoholic and I've seen what it does to a person and their loved ones.

The bartender passes me a glass of water and I sip on it as I get on my phone. I need to at least stay for forty-five minutes. Emma finds a guy or gets drunk by then.

"What's such a pretty girl doing by herself?" A man says sitting to the right of me. He was muscular but not too muscular and had a lot of tattoos. His hair was puffy and was a nice shade of brown. He was pretty hot.

"Well I was ditched by my so called best friend," I state.

"Sounds like you should get rid of her," someone else says from my left. I jump a little only to find a man with black fluffy hair and piercing blue eyes. He had many tattoos like the other guy and was absolutely beautiful.

"Maybe," I mumble sipping my water.

"Why are you here?" the one to my left asks.

"Here for my birthday," I laugh.

"Happy birthday," now the right one says.

"Well I'm pretty sure my friend won't notice if I'm gone so I'm going to go," I state not wanting to talk with these two fine men any longer. Don't get me wrong they seem like great company but they probably just want to hook up.

"Let us get your number," the right states as I get up from my seat.

"Both of you?" I question finding that relatively weird.

"Yes, we like to share," the left one smirks at me.

"Evelyn! I see you've found some hot friends!" Emma yells stumbling over to me. We haven't been here fifteen minutes and she's hammered.

"Ah the best friend," the left one says and I nod.

"Emma I'm going to go home," I state and she nods as I wave at the guys and find my way out of the club. I call an Uber and find myself back in my bed within an hour. I sigh as I look out my window. It was past 12 and I had work tomorrow.

I graduated four months ago and had no plans on going to college. My father had a new wife that was a surgeon and she loved me so she bought me anything I wanted and provided me and my dad with everything.

My phone beeping brings me out of my thoughts as I look at the text message from an unknown number. 'Why didn't you give us your number doll?'

"Who in the fuck?" I whisper as I type back a reply, 'who is this?"

My phone goes off quickly but with a text from a different number, 'I guess we are easily forgotten.'

I think but nothing comes to mind, 'really who is this?'

'It's Marcus,' the first number replies and soon after the second number does, 'it's Mason.'

"The hot guys," I mumble to myself as I think of a reply, 'the guys from the bar, hmm? How'd you get my number?" I send it to both of them and instantly get a reply back, 'nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about," was Markus' reply. 'Get some sleep beautiful,' Mason says. I don't reply and plug my phone up.

Tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day especially with those two texting me. I probably won't be able to get anything done. I guess I'll just take it one step at a time.

Evelyn's Rocky Road *Rewrite of Beg For Daddies*Where stories live. Discover now