Chapter Sixteen

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I watched Marno sail off for a couple minutes before deciding it was about time I go somewhere. I couldn't wave goodbye forever.

Now thinking about it, I had no idea were anyone was, considering I was asleep when they off went and left. My safest bet was to walk back to the ship and wait for everyone to come back.

The walk back was easy, I was good when it comes to internal directions, like seeing broken brick I've past then knowing were to go after to see the last little detail I've set for myself, so it didn't take long before I've finally was able to see that weird lamb from a bit away.

By the time I climbed my way up the ship, I looked up into the sky and noticed that it was getting considerably more cloudy, more specifically darker clouds. I frowned, how does the weather change that fast?

When I get inside and downstairs to the girls room, I step my stuff down on the footside of my bed, considering where I could place it in a tiny boat like this.

I'll just place it in the closet.

There was no getting around it, now that Marno was gone and away with my duffle bag.

I placed the Den Den Mushi on the table and I started my work, folding and making sure me and Nami's clothing were throughly separated. It took a bit of time, my clothes combined with the newly brought ones placed me into a trance of folding organizing that was deep enough that I didn't even realize that the sound of rain hitting the deck was starting.

I look down at table once I've hug up my last shirt, on it sat a beautiful little journal with a dark red leather cover.

"Hey, what about you get this?" Marno points to a journal, and I ask "Why would I?"

"Maybe to record your adventures? Or like a diary?"

I think for a second, it wasn't that bad of an idea. If I record all of my happenings here, I could definitely be able to prove of my existence in another universe. And who knows, it might be useful in the future

"Okay, toss it in."

I hear the pattern of rain hitting the deck speed up, and I frown, because nobody was back yet.

"They better get back soon..." I muttered as I go to close the closet door, and as doing so I noticed a the coat I just hanged in the corner of the closet, beautifully alluring.

I wonder to myself, surely I should make sure nobody tries to enter and steal the ship right? That what a good crew mate would do. So I grab it, retie my shoe laces, noticed an umbrella sitting in the corner of the room and figured Nami wouldn't miss it too much, and finally I step outside.

"Phew, it's coming down hard." I look up, the pitter-patter of raindrops crashing into the clear orange umbrella was a comfortable sound.

"Hurry and get the matches out, before the rain gets to bad!"

Not a comfortable sound. Or voice either, who was that?

"Matches?" I question, someone is trying to burn down the ship?

I move and peer over the side of the ship, there sat a man with a hard helmet and bunny ears, and a... A lion? Huh. Wait a second.

I shouldn't just let them burn down the ship, right? That's the whole reason I came out here, to protect the ship?

"Hey, can you two not?" I call down, deciding it's probably better to be fearless at this moment. "I'm pretty sure you don't know what you're doing."

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