Chapter Five

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"Are you serious!?" The people below yelled after hearing the cries of their translator.

They couldn't see well above at first, but once clouds had departed letting moonlight through, it was seen clearly that the girl they had picked up just that afternoon had held a gun towards Marno's face with a devilish smile on her lips.

"I knew we shouldn't have picked up that bitch! Look at what they did to Jack, and the people on the shroud!" Another pirate angrily shouted as he helped a man with a sword cut through his stomach.

Another agreed, and so did more. But one yelled through the crowd.

"Enough of that! It doesn't matter if we sit here and regret our decision, we need to focus on getting to her and throwing her off board!" An one-eared man confidently spoke.

He looked upwards at the sight again. He wasn't sure how they managed to not only escape, but also attempt to rob them of all of their goods, especially when the key was always bolted on the captains belt or in his room. The buff man squinted as he remembered seeing her minutes ago.

"Vice-captain!" Someone reports, "We found a chair wedged onto the capatins door! It seems it was placed there intentionally!"

The vice turned over to look at the captain who stomped furiously towards his second.

"Ednny! What is this?" He yelled as he got closer. "I've been told that the prisoners had escaped and that they were discovered robbing us?!"

He calmly nodded. "It seems one of them snuck into your room and stole the key, as well as placed that chair against your door, Lanoro."

The second looked back up, this time not looking away. He and the girl mets eyes again, and distinctly feels a chill slowly run through his back.

"We've picked up someone strange, huh captain." The man, Ednny, solemnly says. "So what do you wanna do now? Our men aren't capable of shooting just her down without the risk of accidentally killing Marno as well."

Lanoro looked up with an angry face. He seemed to realized that our situation wasn't looking good, but it doesn't mean that theirs were either.

"Which one took out Jack and the others?" He grumbled. He should already know the answer, Marno wasn't capable of doing something like this, even if he wanted too, we had his family on the line too.

"The blonde chick." Replied someone behind the captain. They look to see that someone knocked out had regained his mind and was in stable condition.

"You shouldn't get up, your—"

"There is something crazy weird with that girl." He ignored. "I am confident she was the one who planned everything, the robbing and the escape." The vice nodded, already having this suspicion too.

"Boss! We found multiple bags of food laid out on the side of the ship. We think they were gonna run off with that and the money using the boat. Not only that, but John and Wenson was stuck inside of the prison cell, naked."

The captain furrowed his eyebrows. Another reason why they needed to get rid of this girl had showed. He couldn't wait until this was all over.

"Removed the rope from the boat and let it float away so we don't give them an escape." He ordered, watching as they gave an affirmative. "And tell those two to come and give me their report."

Ednny turned to his captain, who smiled deviously. "I'll take care of the girl myself, you two get Marno and put him in his place, but don't be too rough. We have somewhere to be tomorrow."

He thinks about this.

"Yes sir." He concludes. She was just a kid, not to mention the injuries. That's what he should be thinking, but... "Be careful with her. Something is off about her." He warn. The other scoffs. "She's just a little girl, I'll be fine."

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