Chapter Four

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"Drop the bag!" I barked urgency to Marno, who stood confused until he had followed my instructions and met eyes with the same man.

I dragged the bag forward to let it sit on a step to lose some extra weight, the bag loudly clicking and banging together as I did this.

I didn't care about being quite when there couldn't be any possibility that we can keep quite after getting discovered with carrying a heavy ass bag. I'm certain he would-.

A alarmingly loud voice finished my thought, without needing to know exactly what he was saying, I understood he was definitely was going to wake his sleeping crew members below. I look behind at Marno, who looked nothing short of terrified after finally realizing how far deep the situation had become.

Don't waste time.

"Here- Get over the bag and go upstairs to the boat." I immediately demanded, kneeling down and griping onto the bag's top from the floor while turning to the man who now had his fists up for a fight.

"I'll deal with this guy, don't worry about me."

I heard distant mumbling and restlessness from the room we just exited, and then I felt movement from Marno behind me, who climbed onto of the bag.


"Just go, your gonna mess things up more if you don't start taking action now!" I yelled, feeling more hurried movement afterward.

I held eye contact with the pirate, who seemed to be very distraught after just being shot into panic mode after noticing that they were getting robbed. He didn't make any moves though, which I was very grateful for.

Marno was careful yet quick to make his way to the front where I kneeled, although it was obviously proving to be a challenge because of the unstable platform, with gold and paper clicking and shifting after every movement made.

I start to think of what to do next. I didn't want to stay still for long, the alarm was ringing now, leaving little to no room for freedom. It was still night and I'm sure if we tried to escape now, we could make it, although we wouldn't be successful in warding off Marno's enemies permanently.

That'll definitely become a problem later.

Movement from the doorway behind me and the drowsy voice of multiple people told me that at this point there could be no saving this situation.

Fuck, why the hell is this guy here? He must've gotten up while I was in the captain's room. God damnit.

"Marno, I'm gonna need you to hurry up." I pressed.

"Hold on- I'm trying!" He replied frantically, trying to get off while the man in front of me started yelling some more.

"What is he saying...?"

"He's calling for the people below- Okay, there!"

Marno steps off, just in time for me to stand up to witness pirates emerge from the sleeping quarters from behind me. Four of them stood on alert, catching on there was something wrong.

"Watch out Marno."


Marno stumbled towards the wall as more pirates gathered, and in one movement I had dropped the bag and started to charge at the man in front of me. I heard the bag collide with the people below as I wrap my hands around the mans stomach, knocking him down while he shouted.

"Go upstairs-!" I got back up and started to punch the man as hard as I could in his face. "-I'll be there in a second."

With my fist burning energy, my punches had more force to them than I would expect from my usual abilities. I stopped after noticing a trail of blood flew upwards with my hands, pooling next to a broken nose. Satisfied, It didn't take long for me to get up and kick him in the gut to make sure he stays down, a strange feeling rocked my body that caused me to stop and breathe. I look behind me as more people build up at the doorway of downstairs, attempting to get over the money bag.

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