Stark Gives a New Nickname

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I hate Tetrys.

It's too distracting.

If I have a big space between updates, don't blame me, blame Tetrys.


My friend and I came up with the funniest thought.

You guys know Loki from mythology, some evil dude that tries to start Ragnarok and all that.

Wouldn't it be funny if they never meant to do anything that they did. Like the Norse would think they had some devious plan being the god of mischief. But what if like, Sif asked them to give her a haircut, and they just like tripped over and boom, Sif's hairs been cut off.

Or if they were just having fun and games with Hother, like, see how far you can throw the mistletoe blindfolded and then boom Balder dies. 

I don't know it just makes it ten times funnier.


Loki Laufeyson POV

The next morning I made my way towards Perseus' room and knocked on the door before entering.

He wasn't there. 

Right. Kitchen.

I heard him before I saw him. He was talking to his gods no doubt - laughing or giving them a snide retort.

I walked into the kitchen and he turned to me with his half smile. "Morning."

"Good morning to you as well Perseus." I headed to the coffee maker, and smiled when it started. "I was hoping... Well, I was hoping to talk to you about what Miss. Dare said a few days ago... If you would let me."

Perseus turned to me, his green eyes studied me for a second before that half smile returned. "You can talk while I make breakfast. But. Are you sure you want the Gods to listen?"

I cringed. "If they could refrain from listening just this once." He nodded.

"What he means is if you'd stop eavesdropping for like an hour of your immortal existence, it would be greatly appreciated." He grinned and turned to me. "Yeah they're gone."

I huffed a laugh and sat down with my coffee. "On Asgard. Well a lot of things happened that I'm not proud of. It started when I tried to delay Thor's coronation. He wasn't what he is now. He wouldn't have made a good king. So I let a few Jotnar into the palace."

"What're Jotnar?"

"They are a race of frost giants that live in the realm, Jotunheim." He nodded. "So they interrupted the coronation right before Thor was crowned. In his anger, he went to Jotunheim and, well he battled. I had been dragged along as well."

"Just you two? Against a whole world?"

"No. The Warriors Three and Sif were there as well. When we were back on Asgard, Odin banished Thor to Midgard. While he was there he met a woman, Jane Foster, and became the Thor you know today. A lot more humble. While he was gone, Odin told me that I wasn't his son. And Thor wasn't my brother. But the most heartbreaking truth was that Frigga wasn't my mother."

"Do you know who your family is?" He asked turning around.

I nodded. "My father was Laufey, a Jotun. I-" my voice cracked. "I am a jotun. A monster. The very thing Thor swore that he would kill."

"Loki." Perseus shook his head. "A monster isn't what you are. It's who you choose to be." I huffed a laugh. "I'm serious. My brother, Tyson. He's a cyclops but he is definitely not a monster. My dog Mrs. O'Leary? A hellhound. Not a monster. Ella is my brother's girlfriend, a Harpy. Not a monster. Briars. The Hundred Handed One. I see no monster there."

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