You have a lawyer???

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I'm here! I know I know, I've been a bit slack recently.

My deepest of apologies.

Tony Stark POV

By this time, all the Avengers excluding Thor, having watched the scene through the security cameras, had entered the room. I just stood there, processing this information. Dead. He should be dead.

But how was he alive. The human body didn't work like that. Half of his DNA missing meant it wasn't physically possible that he could be alive. The water in his lungs, now that was interesting, I couldn't think of a single reason of how he could be standing here right now.

I looked at Percy he seemed like a deer caught in headlights. "Reaallyy? Dead? wow. like, dead, or just dead, because there's dead, and then there's dead." He shifted uncomfortably and I looked at him, dumbfounded.

"Lying really isn't a strong suit of yours." Nat deadpanned.

"Yeah, I know. That's what my cousin says. Doesn't stop him from tryna teach me though." He winced.

"Were you made by HYDRA?" Cap said and I rolled my eyes at his sheer bluntness.

Helen stepped forward. "Captain I already told you, HYDRA doesn't have the technology-"

"But what if they did? How do you know?" Then he turned to Percy who's eyes were shooting in between everyone faster than a bullet. "Were you made by HYDRA."

He scoffed. "Do I look like a Hydra had me? If you say yes then I'm going to be seriously offended."

"You worded that differently." Nat butted in. "You said a hydra, not HYDRA. What Hydra do you think we're talking about?"

"What Hydra are you talking about? Because I'm talking about the one from Greek Mythology. Y'know the dragon-type thing with 9 heads, cut one off two grow back?"

Oh, so that's why they named themselves HYDRA. I looked to Cap and he seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"He's not lying." Nat said after a bit. "But he knows that he's ... different to us. As I said before, your a bad liar."

"No need to be rude." Percy huffed and crossed his arms, right as Loki walked into the room. I rolled my eyes at him and he gave me an oh so delightful smile before turning to assess the scene. His eyes passed over everyone, then to the x-ray machine.

"I see." He turned to Percy expectantly. "Are you going to, what do you call it? 'Mist them?'"

"Yeahh can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I mean, I can't mist them, not really good at that kinda thing." He shrugged.

"What do you mean 'mist' us?" Clint asked gradually going for his bow.

"He means kicking the pipes there causing the steam to break through and cloud your eyes. Then he was just going to knock you fragile mortals unconscious and run, but apparently he can't do that."

"Right. Anyways it's been fun but I have a headache and need to talk to Loki." Percy said about to start walking over.

"You can talk to him after we talk to you." Steve said firmly.

He gave him a sly smile "What if I don't want to?"

"Then." Natasha said returning the smirk. "We'll shove you into a small room with the lights off. Your claustrophobic right?"

I saw him straighten slightly, a shiver running across his body. "I've just decided I don't like you. Fine you can ask questions but I'm getting my lawyer to speak for me."

Percy Jackson meets Loki and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now