Hermes is a pretty okay lawyer

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Hey everyoneeee

*pretends I didn't take forever to update*


Loki Laufeyson POV

"God of cheeseburgers?" I asked but Perseus waved me off.

"Inside joke." 

I regarded the greek god of lies and mischief for a moment before I let a smile creep on my face. "This will be exciting."

"Well obviously." Hermes replied, sharing my smile. "It involves us."

"Well," Tony clapped his hands together. "Let's get this show on the road. Nat?" 

Natasha gave Hermes a once over before giving a pleasant smile and gesturing to the elevator. "And Jackson, your coming in with us."

He scoffs but enters, albeit stiffly. The rest of the Avengers follow, obviously forgetting about me. Imbeciles. If they think I will try and take over Midgard again, they don't seem to care. Or just don't have the mind capacity to multitask.

Thor waves at me happily before the doors close. Only after that do I realise I never got a chance to do what I came here to do. Explain things to Perseus.

Not to mention what would probably be happening right now would be something I would loathe to miss out on. Smirking to myself, I head up to the conference floors.

Percy Jackson POV

The elevator door opened to the conference levels and I tried not to bolt out of the elevator.

Tony lead the way, glass of wine in hand. I tried not to note the slightly uncoordinated steps he took. Not that noticeable but signs of someone starting to experience the effects of the wine. Apparently Clint saw it too, because he walked up to him and took the glass out of his hand before looking at me. Oh. Right. Good eyesight. He probably saw my uneasiness.

We sat down in room 4, Hermes sitting next to me, whilst everyone else decided to sit on the other side or just away from me in general. "How is this gonna work?" Hermes asked.

"We're just waiting for the director." Natasha replied, Hermes gave me an exasperated look causing my mood to lighten slightly.

"Don't worry, Nicky'll be here soon." Stark said in an enthusiastic tone which was obviously from the alcohol. Steve gave him a disapproving look but then seemed to remember something and stopped. For the next few minutes I glared at Natasha. She had the decency to look slightly uncomfortable but she still glared back.

Nick Fury walked through the door and regarded us all, eye snagging on Hermes with suspicion. "Well. We found something then did we?"

"Yes Sir." Steve stood up and handed him the file. I looked at Hermes who had a face of complete calm, like he does this every day.

"Don't look at me. It looks suspicious."

"Well sorryy, but I don't know what's about to happen. How are you gonna lie us out of it?"

"I'm the God of lies? It's kinda my thing y'know. I'll think of something."

I took that as a good sign and turned my attention back to Fury who narrowed his eye at us. I remembered the smirk he had when the flying boat thing took off and used the irritation to smile at him innocently. "Hey Fury, long time no see."

A muscle appeared in his jaw but he remained calm. "Let's get on with it then." He sat down at the head of the table. "How are you still alive when your lungs are half full of salt water?"

Percy Jackson meets Loki and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now