Stories and Romantics Exposed

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Fun Fact: The last week of school term is the most stressful thing anyone will ever go through.

On with tha story!

Percy Jackson POV

I walked back to my floor and entered my room. From there, I just took one big breathe and flopped on my bed. "Hey cuz"

"Oh my gods-" I jumped looking at Hermes who just randomly appeared lying next to me on the bed. "Dude! Seriously!"

He just chuckled and sat up. "What? I thought I'd talk a bit with you and Loki before leaving."

I rubbed my eyes, "Fine. But tell Hypnos to stop trying to pull me under."

"Done," he smirked. His eyes turned to the door before widening in delight. Following his gaze I jumped. Riptide was out in a manner of seconds, pointed at the green snake from the conference room earlier. "Wow wow! Cuz it's my favourite god of mischief,"

"Wait- that's you?" I exclaimed.

He blinked. "Every heard of the rule 'can't vote for yourself'? It's Loki."

I lowered my sword as the snake shifted into a familiar green eyes, black haired god. "My apologies Perseus," He tried for a smile. I realised then that we hadn't exactly cleared things up earlier, that was business we'd have to get to after Hermes left.

Until then ...

There were currently two fanboys trying and failing to hide their excitement for each other. I snorted, walking out of the room. "Did they just kick you out of your own room?"

"Yes Apollo. Yes they did."

Tony Stark POV

I yawned as I re read Percy's files. I had to admit, the way he got rid of those HYDRA agents was pretty amazing. I mean, he blew up his school bus, took his class for a swim, jumped from the St Louis Arc. 

"Tony." I sighed as I heard Steve's voice. I was too tired for this. 

"Hey Capsicle." I grinned. He just sighed.

"When was the last time you slept?" 

The question caught me off guard. Last time that I-  How did he know? I was certainly quiet when I worked. And I always told J to activate to double paneled glass whenever I was going to make something explode. "Um? Last night. Sleeping. Like everyone else."

"JARVIS tells me otherwise." He crossed his arms like a parent and raised his eyebrow. I did not need to be mothered by a fossil.

"Well JARVIS, is a traitor." I said as I picked up a toolbox and walked over to one of my cars. Steve followed me as I sat on a creeper and slid under the car.

"Apologies Sir but I really do care about your mental and physical well being." JARVIS tried.

"Tony you need to sleep." Steve pleaded. 

"Hey hey!" I pulled out from under the car, "It's an experiment! I wanted to see how long it takes before you start hallucinating!" 

"Why?" Steve's brows drew together in concern.

I shrugged. "Why not? I'm currently running on seventy hours and I think i'm starting to see imaginary movements in the corner of my eyes." 

"Seventy hours?!" Steve exclaimed. 

"Hey guys." Percy sat on a car, head tilted in interest.

"Steve, I'm hallucinating a Percy." I tapped his leg.

Percy Jackson meets Loki and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now