Chapter 8: Captured and Hung

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After figuring out how valuable we are, Jorge ordered his guards to take us and hang us up. Literally, hang us up.

In an old part of the building, where one part of the floor was removed on every single level. Resided the Gladers, dangling from our feet and as helpless as ever. The only thing giving me some happiness, was the fact that I had tucked in my shirt. Newt might've killed me if I didn't.

"Good plan, Thomas." Minho sarcastically remarks, and he continues to repeat what Thomas had said earlier before we met Jorge. "Just hear what the man has to say, really working out."

Thomas has had enough of Minho's taunting and says, "Oh, shut up, Minho." I giggle to myself at their argument, but clearly that was a bad idea. "What're you laughing at, Y/n?" Thomas chided, "I don't see you walking around freely."

I roll my eyes at this, "At least I'm not the one who got us into this mess." Thomas scoffs but doesn't try to argue with me, he most likely knows that he would lose.

"Maybe I can reach the rope." Thomas grunts as he reaches for the rope that tied his feet together, Newt and Minho try as well, but nothing worked.

"Enjoying the view?" Jorge's voice suddenly says, and I can't help but feel some hatred towards this man. First, he ordered his men to hang us up, and now WICKED is most likely on their way. "Yes! Beautiful view, I must say!" I reply back to Jorge, sarcasm as evident as ever. Jorge laughs at my comment, "I'm glad you're enjoying the view, I try to be a good host."

"What the hell do you want?" Thomas scowled, and Jorge moves to the edge of the flooring. "That is the question. My men want to sell you back to WICKED, life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that." He stops in front of Thomas, "Something tells me that you're not either."

"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho bluntly says, and I have to hold in my giggle again. Maybe the blood is getting to my head.

"Tell me what you know about The Right Arm." Jorge demands, pointing his cane to Thomas. Newt interrupts, "I thought you said they were ghosts."

"I happen to believe in ghosts." Jorge adds, before moving back to Thomas. "Especially when I hear them, chattering on the airwaves." Airwaves? Is that what the machine did?

I watch as Jorge moves to the lever holding us up, "You tell me what you know, and maybe we can make a deal." Thomas does his best to turn to him, "We don't know much."

Jorge suddenly puts his hand on the lever and pushes it down, causing us to drop some. Fortunately, we only dropped maybe a couple inches, but I'm sure that my heart was about to jump out of my chest and go flying down to the ground floor.

"Okay! Okay, all right." Thomas gives in, and I let out a sigh of relief. "They're hiding in the mountains, and they attacked WICKED. They got out a bunch of kids. That's it! That's all we know!"

Jorge moves closer to the edge of the flooring, opening his mouth to speak when. "Yo, Jorge." One of his guards call, "What's going on?" The guard asks, entering the room and glancing from Jorge to the hanging people in front of him.

"Me and my new friends were just getting acquainted. We're done now." Jorge moves to leave when Thomas suddenly stops him. "Hey, wait! You're not gonna help us?"

I watch the guard give Jorge a look, "Don't worry, hermano. We'll get you back to where you belong." With that, Jorge turns around and leaves the room, "Hang tight!" He calls out before disappearing in the darkness. His guard leaves soon after, going the opposite direction.

~ ~ ~

I'm not sure how much time has passed. But we came up with the brilliant plan to push each other around, constantly swinging, until Teresa is able to reach the lever and pull us down far enough to where some of us could reach the flooring and untie ourselves.

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