Why don't you care anymore? Chapter 16

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I don't even know where I was going, I just needed to get away.  I ignored everyone screaming. There was a voice missing from the screaming however. It was Legolas'. I turned back to see everyone running after me, and Legolas just standing there. I looked at the ring in my hand and threw it as far as I possibly could. They were getting closer to catching me, I was still walking, looking like I was in a trance. Kathryn caught up to me first and grabbed my arm. I yanked it away and continued walking. The next voice I heard made me stop dead in my tracks. "Baby girl, come to daddy." it was Sarumon. I looked at him with pure hatred. "I'm not your baby girl!" I yelled back. Then I remembered he killed my mother. "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!" I yelled and ran up to him and started kicking him until someone pulled me away. I was kicking and screaming and crying. I felt the anger that was boiled up, was now released. I took a deep breath and calmed myslef down. I realized that I wasn't wanted here anymore. I ripped the person's arms off me and stalked away. "Where are you going?" Gandalf called after me. "I'm not wanted here anymore. Remember?" I said still facing away. "She's right. We can't trust her anymore. She's Sarumon's daughter. C' mon guys." Can you geuss who said that? If you said Legolas, then you're absolutely right. He started to walk off with everyone, including my sister. "You know that she's Saruman's daughter too, right?" I said pointing to my sister, being just a little bit sassier than I should have been. His head snapped around to look at me from behind him. A silent ear slipped down my face as I remembered how all the loving looks he ever gave me were so different than this one. He walked up to me so that he was in my face. "But did she lie? No." he said glaring down at me, at this point everyone had gathered around us to see how this would go down. "I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you. And I didn't even really remember." I said glaring back. "How can you not have remembered that Saruman was your father?!" His voice raised when he said that. He was making me really mad, it was only a matter of time before I snapped and my fangs would fly out, and eyes turn red. I was so mad you could literally see steam coming out of my ears. I started glaring even harder than I had been before, and I started to breathe deeply in and out through my nose. Elena knew what this meant so she warned Legolas, just a little too late. "Legolas you might want to-" she began. "Why do you always do this, why do you even care?!!!" I got in his face, my fangs popped out and my eyes turned more red than normal. He backed away, and I realized what I had done. My eyes returned to normal, and my eyes softened. "Legolas I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-" I began. "Save it, you let peopel get to know you, they think you're nice only to realize that you are and always will be a monster!" he screamed. I gasped. My lip quivered and I began sobbing. "That's all I ever was to you? A moster? One day you'll look back and realize how you treated me, and maybe if you ever grow up you might actually feel bad about it." I wiped my eyes and started to walk away. But I stopped, I had to say something. "You know, you let people get to know you, then they think you're nice only to realize that you only care about yourself, your just a selfish elf prince that only cares about himself." I used his words agains him, and to be honest it felt amazing. I had the tendancy to let people step on me, but not today, I had my pride.  I was kinda sad about what he said, I mean it was him who lied to me right? Pretended he loved me, when all along he thought I was a monster. "Just let me get this straight, you never loved me, always thought I was just a monster?" I asked him before I left. "Actually don't answer that, I don't want to know." I let a few more tears slip out before turning to go to Romaro. As I was walking away I began lightly singing a song that my mother used to sing to me when I was hurt, and right now I would have to sing it a million times before my pain was gone. I felt a hand on my shoulder, but it was not the hand that I hoped for. It was Kathryn. She pulled me in for a hug and I began to sob my heart out. I felt awful, especially for calling him slefish, I knew he was not. He was caring, t was I that was the monster. I hurt people all the time without knowing it. "It's my fault, I am a monster. It's all my fault, everything's my fault." From afar I could see everyone walking away. There was one certain blonde elf missing from the group. I felt another hand on my shoulder. It was Legolas' I knew it. I turned to him slowly. He looked into my eyes, and I his. He pulled me in for a hug, and whispered into my hair. "I didn't mean it, I don't know why I said that. I'm terribly sorry." I shushed him gently. "It's my fault, I never meant to call you selfish, and you're right. I am a monster and I will be forever." "You are not always a monster, mosters live inside us, and sometimes they win. It's not your fault, it's just who you are. And I love that about you." I smiled and kissed his cheek lightly. "I will not break." he said while chuckling. I pulled him in for another hug, and this time I wasn't letting go so easily.

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