Lost forever? Chapter 15

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I couldn't remember the last time I felt alone like this. They saw me blinking, breathing, not suffering. How could they just leave. That stupid vampire, why would she say something like that. I can just picture how happy she is right now. 

Elena P.O.V.

Hah! I was so happy! I can't believe they fell for it. She wasn't dead if you pulled the bar out. She would be fine. They're so gullible. Legolas will be mine. Eventually. And I can wait. Better watch out, Belle, Because I'm taking your man...elf, thing. Heh, Heh.

Legolas P.O.V.

She's gone, again. How could I let her slip away? Again? It feels like my heart's been ripped in two. I felt like fainting, passing out, dying. She was dead. Gone. I felt my legs slip out from under my body, as my  head hit the ground like a rock. Aragorn and Gimli were yelling my name. I was slipping away. I couldn't go on anymore. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the vampire, smirking. 

Gandalf P.O.V.

I needed to get back to her tonight. I knew she wasn't dead. I don't even know why I went with Elena, yes I knew her name. Knew her, and Belle's parents, same people. Yes, Belle and Elena are sisters, twins to be exact. No twins twins like the same looks, but they were in their mother's stomache at the same time. I also know a deep dark secret about the two of them. Only it will only work for Belle, since she was living alone for some years. While Elena was always with someone. It's weird how it works but it's a funny thing. I'm not even sure Belle knows and when she does, it'll crush her.

Elena just went into her tent, time to move. I quickly ran back to where we left Belle. She wasn't there. 

Belle P.O.V.

I felt sun on my face, and soft sheets, and a bed. I leapt out of it to see that I was in captivity, or a room. I quietly opened a door that looked strangely familiar to me as if I'd been here before. I stepped out into the hallway, but not before checking my heart area. It was healed already. The last time I got stabbed in the heart was a long time ago, acidentally by my sister, we were both 7. And playing with out father's swords. I wonder how Elena was doing. I hadn't seen her in over 100 years. But, eh not that long. I heard people talking and I knew they were talking about me. "When shall we let her go?" "Not now. She can be of service." "But King Theoden said that we should let her go when she feels like it." "So be it then." Kind Theoden! I had heard about him before. But why did this place feel so familiar. "My lady, we will take you to the King now." I nodded my head and followed. He opened large, yet beautiful doors and I stepped in. I jumped slightly when the doors slammed behind me. "Belle, I've heard so much about you!" The King announced suddenly. "What? That I'm a vampire and you want to use as your own personal weapon?" I snapped angrily that I should have. "Sorry, I'm just stressed." I apologized. "No, I understand. It was lucky that I found you when you did or you would have died." he said suddenly. "Thanks, but no. All you had to do was pull the bar out and I would have been good as new. Now when can I get back to my friends?" I asked. "When they get closer, or when the war comes." "War, how do you know when the war is coming?" "I have warriors everywhere watching the area, and when they se or hear signs of orks or Urkai crossing lands they report to me instantly. But meanwhile I have found someone that will take care of you." Just then an elf with the same color hair as Legolas walked into the room and bowed in front of me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my lady." "Uhm, no need to bow." I said back to him. He stood up. Before I left Theoden stopped me. "If you see the beacons go off anywhere report back here as fast as you can, if they don't let you leave sneak out, I know you're good at it." I nodded and left the room. The elf introduced himslef as Haldir, and said he was taking me to Galadriel and Celborn's realm. I nodded lightly and hopped onto Saphire. How did she even get into the stables? Doesn't matter. I got on her back and told her to follow Haldir. She neighed lightly and began walking. I sighed, is this the end.?

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