New life. Chapter 17

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I stood in front of the fellowship which consisted of Me, Legolas, Gandalf, Aragorn, Pippin, Mery, Kathryn, and Elena. Legolas had felt something coming for us, so we would be ready when, or if they did. It was then that I heard the synced steps that sounded like men. Why would men be coming to attack us?

"We are here to destroy the last two vampires.!" the men proclaimed. Elena and I exchanged glances.

"Go back, this is not your battle." I stated to the rest of the fellowship.

"I have never left you before, what makes you think I will now." Legolas came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder, seconding what Gandalf had said. I weakly smiled and nodded my head. We were outnumbered, terribly. Elena ran forward and took out the first line of men, twisting their necks. I always feel bad killing if I don't have to, so I just ran forward and started knocking out all the men. So I bassically just let everyone else kill them. I heard a scream come from behind me that didn't sound human, or like anything I had ever heard before. I whipped my head around and saw Legolas getting pelted with arrows. I sped up to him killing the men by snapping their necks. I caught Legolas before he dropped to the ground. I placed his head in my lap as everyone gathered around us. I glanced over at Elena. She was staring at Legolas' chest. I looked down and realized that he had blood everywhere. My hand were covered in his blood from placing my hands on his chest. I abruptly stood up, whiped his blood on the grass, and backed away breathing heavily. 

"Kathryn. Can you help him?" I asked her desperately.

"No, I don't know what to do." she said sadly.

I looked over at Elena who was about to lunge at Legolas. I jumped in front of her, snarling. I pushed her against a tree while she struggled against me, still trying to get to Legolas. Her gaze never left Legolas' chest. 

"Aragorn! Get me that branch over there." I said pointing to a stick on the ground. He picked it up and threw it to me. I speared it through Elena's stomach and tied her to a tree. She was struggling, but was weaker because of the stick piercing her stomache. I stood over Legolas, and took a deep breath. I knelt down next to him and started to pull out the arrows carefully. He would scream every time I pulled one out. I knew he wasn't going to make it. He was going to die. But there was one thing I could do, one irreversable thing. 

"There's one thing I can do to save him, but it'll take some getting used to, and once he's there there's no turning back. I have to turn him. Or else he won't live. Will you allow me to do it?" I questioned.

Everyone nodded their head slowly. I looked back to his face. I placed my hand over his heart, his beating heart. 

"Aragorn, get that stick, and if after 3 seconds I don't stop pierce it through my back. Not the heart, just my back then pull me away and tie me to a tree. Okay?" he nodded and grabbed the stick standing behind me. "I've never had human blood in my life, I might not stop, if I don't, please please don't hesitate." he nodded again and raised the stick. I slowly brought my head to his neck and placed my hand over his heart. "I love you." I whispered. I barred my fangs and sunk them into his neck. The venom rushing through his blood stream. I heard Aragorn counting, he got to three and I pulled away just as he was about to stab me. My fangs went back into my gums and I wiped my mouth, spitting out the reamining blood. I watched Legolas' face closely as his eyes snapped open.

Lost Feelings (Legolas Greenleaf Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora