Legand and the White Wizard

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I opened my eyes to see that Gandalf and I were on some beam with that beast. It wasn't that hard to kill him, since ya'know I was a vampire and Gandalf was a wizard. After we threw him off the tower Gandalf turned to me...

"I'm just going to have to grieve him" he said in a mocking tone "My staff!"

"Heh, about that...Did you really think I was going to let him die. Speaking of dying..Are we dead?"

"No, just in transition"

"Transition, what's that?" I asked very shaky.

"Into our new forms"

"Wha-"I was interupted

"You'll still be yourself, and be able to see Legolas." I let out a sigh of relief.

Legolas P.O.V.

No! This had to be a dream, my love could not have just died. If she is dead then I will die. It's common for elves to die of broken hearts, if she is dead. I will die. Then I will be with her.

I raised my sword over my heart.

"Legolas!" "Stop!" "She might not be dead!" Aragorn yelled

"How could she not be dead!? SHe just fell off a cliff!"

"Leg, she's a vampire, it's going to take a lot more than a cliff to kill that strong hearted, bull headed, stubborn, vampire-elf thing. She's take one look at death and death would look at her and run away because death would be scared of Belle."

"It's funny her name is so sweet and tiny, and she's like...*explosion noises*" Gimli said

"Thanks guys" I said to them. Belle, love if you can hear me, come back to me. If you hear me say "Idiot" because I know that's what I am.

There was no answer, I guess she can't hear me.

Belle P.O.V.

 "Belle, love if you can hear me, come back to me. If you hear me say "Idiot" because I know that's what I am." I heard Legolas' voice come through my mind.

"Gandalf, Legolas just sent me a mind message."

"What did he say?"

"He said to come back to him, and to say the word Idiot if I heard him, but I can't reply because we're in different realms."

"Well then, go back to him you shall."

I then felt a searing pain on my wrist, and forehead. I heard Gandalf cry out, so I knew he must have felt pain too. We both fell to the ground at the same time.

When I opened my eyes I saw a bright light. I noticed my hair turned a red copery color and was pin straight. I noticed Gandalf had on white instead of Grey. He was not Gandalf the white wizard! I looked down and saw I had a tatoo on my wrist, but it didn't look like a real tatoo that you would go have done to yourself, it was the kind you earned when you did something noble and brave. It was four circles next to eachother and one cirlce in the middle. In the middle of the middle circle was a dove. It was beautiful.

I looked down and noticed that my dull forrest greem clothes were replaced with a light blue pair of tights, light blue high wasted shorts, a light blue shirt, and a light blue cloak with pink, purple, and blue gems in the middle for the clasp. It was beautiful, I was beautiful. And I couldn't wait to get back to Legolas. I turned to Gandalf and said...

"Let us go back now."

He nodded and we set off.

Legolas P. O. V.

We just had a battle...the first without Belle. I was starting to think she wasn't coming back. But I had to keep hope. Hope was my best friend. That I would never lose. We had lost Boromur who had died protecting the little ones, Pippen, and Merry. Frodo and Sam had sailed away to destroy the ring on their own. 

We left to go look for the little ones. We came to the castle of Edgor (Made up name,,I know) and he told us that they had just killed all the orks that went by. We started searching for them in the burnt piles. The stench was terrible. We were all holding our noses. I picked up a belt that belonged to one of the little hobbits. Arigorn noticed that their tracks led into the forrest. We approached slowly because we weren't sure what horrible things would be in there. I readied my bow. We were walking forever it seemed until we came to a bright light.

"The white wizard!" Gimli shouted "Don't talk for he will curse you."

Belle P.O.V

We were standing in front of the fellowship, where my love was standing in the front shooting arrows at me..Ouch.

"You're looking for two hobbits?" I questioned disguising my voice.

"You're a girl?" Leggie questioned.

"What's it to you?" I said softly.

The light dimmed and the first thing I said to Legolas after so long was...(can you guess?)


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