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Little did any of them know that Sauromon was still lurking, following, planning on capturing Belle.

I opened my eyes, and realized that I was in someone's arms. I jumped up and planned on atacking. But all I saw was Leggie's scared, inncoent eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief. Just Legolas. I apologized and layed back down, my head on his chest, his hands gently playing with my hair. With that motion I was lulled back to sleep.

The sun came down on my face and I felt a burning sensation in my forehead. My neclace! My hand flew to my neck, but it was gone! I jumped up and ran under a tree. Everyone was watching me like I was a clown blowing up baloons.

"Has anyone seen my neclace?" I questioned a hint of fright was noticable in my voice.

"You mean this pretty little thing?" Boromir asked, holding up my infinity neclace that protected me from the sun. I also forgot to mention that my neclace was even more enchanting than the ring of power to anyone but me.

"Yes! I mean that, Please bring it here." I pleaded.

"Why? I'm just looking."

"Well I kinda will die without that!" I screamed still under the tree.

"Finders keepers loosers weepers..." He taunted.

"More like Finders keepers...Belle DIES!" I said back to him.

I saw Legolas inching toward he neclace aiming to give it back to me.

"Legolas, NO! My neclace is even more powerful than the ring of power. If you grab it you'll become just as bad as Boromir!"

"Gandalf!" Legolas yelled.

Gandalf ran over swooped the neclace out of Boromir's hands and threw it to me. I caught and quickly snapped it around my neck. I waited for the pain that always came whenever I put my neclace back on. I remember once when I was younger I took my neclace off for a second, then when I put it back on I fainted because the pain was so immense.

"Looks like I'm getting a new ali..."

No one could figure out where the voice came from until I was swooped off my feet by the Dark wizard.

"Legolas!" I screamed.

"Belle..I will find you!" "I love you!" He screamed back.

"I LOVE YOU!" I answered,

What was happening to me?

Lost Feelings (Legolas Greenleaf Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now