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In the middle of the night it started to snow. We were still at the elf castle, we would be staying for the rest of the night.

"Belle...?" asked a restless Merry.

"Yes..?" I asked back.

"Do you know how to sing?"

"Of course I do!" I said back kind of excitedly I wished he would ask me to sing.

"Can you sing for me? I can't sleep."

"Me too!" said Legolas.

Then came the chorus of Me too's. So I decided I would sing Torn, since it was the only song I knew the whole thing by heart. I began..

I thought I saw a man brought to life

He was warm, he came around like he was dignified

He showed me what it was to cry

Well you couldnt be that man I adored

You don't seem to know, don't seem to care what your heart is for

But I don't know him anymore

There's nothing where he used to lie

My conversation has run dry

That's what's going on, nothings fine Im torn

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel

Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed into something real

Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

Youre a little late, Im already torn

So I guess the fortune tellers right

Should have seen just what was there and not some holy light

To crawl beneath my veins and now

I don't care, I have no luck, I don't miss it all that much

There's just so many things that I can't touch, Im torn

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel

Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed into something real

Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

Youre a little late, Im already torn. torn.

There's nothing where he used to lie

My inspiration has run dry

That's what's going on, nothings right, Im torn

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel

Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed into something real

Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

Im all out of faith, this is how I feel

Im cold and Im ashamed bound and broken on the floor

Youre a little late, Im already torn

Armin'ten tusenda alorda (I'm already torn)

I finished quietly, and opened my eyes to see everyone asleep except Legolas. I looked over at him and saw that he was already looking at me. I felt a sickening pain in my back, and I clapsed into Legolas' body.

When I opened my eyes again I did not know where I was. Where was my forrest? Where am I? Who are those people?

Uh oh! Didn't see that comin did ya? Nope! Neither did I. Wait never mind I did!


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