"But I wasn't asking, dad. I am informing you." He smiled demonically, I felt a shiver run up my spine, "I'll see you downstairs."

'I'm not taking him with me. It's supposed to be the night I get laid! But I wonder... can Julia smile as devilishly...'

"No need to waste your bare few braincells, host. He gets that smile from you." the system tittered.


The Bentley parked at the red carpet and the father-son duo exited it like the royalty. Numerous cameras flashed. Bodyguards rushed to control the crowds of reporters that seemed to gain a new wave of energy at the sight of Ethan. I had timed our arrival such that the reporter count would be at peak and the female lead would just have cornered Julia.

The brat taxied freely on my arm as I walked into the venue. I grinned internally, but kept a cool, collected façade as businessmen rushed towards me. None of these whacks could catch my attention. I exchanged greetings and polite small talk as my eyes scoured the huge hall. Finally, I found her. And she took my breath away.

A shiny peach gown adorned her beautiful curves. I had no clue about her makeup except that it served my palette a tad too well. Her elegantly tied up hair showcased her beautiful neck and  the dangling earrings.

I watched as the male lead walked up to the sobbing female lead, wrapping his arms around her and spitting something definitely hurtful at Julia. As I watched her face pale, my body, as if on auto pilot, strode towards her. So one-tasked my brain was, that I even forgot to hide the brat away before I made my presence known.

"Braxton- I-"

"Shut up, Julia. You have done enough already."

My brows twitched at the exchange. 'How dare he? No wonder his name is Braxton. Brat plus Craton.'    "What's a craton, host?"   'A large stable block of the earth's crust forming the nucleus of a continent. Now shush.'


My eyes teared up involuntarily as Braxton's words hit me. He had never been so rude to me. In fact, he was one of the kindest souls around me during my harshest years in the industry. I owed my life to him. But the scene of Braxton hugging what's-her-name did not help my case. Who would have thought that a talentless fish like her would be able to catch Braxton's loving gaze... 

I had truly lost, didn't I? 

"Why don't you leave, Julia? It's for the best of you both." His words impaled my still mourning heart. But before I could break down and embarrass myself, a big, warm hand wrapped around my shoulders, encasing me within a warm side embrace. I inhaled the soothing cologne and my turbulent emotions seemed to calm down tremendously.

But the person's next words, and his voice left me flabbergasted. 

Quick Transmigration: Tame the VillainessWhere stories live. Discover now