Do you mean it's the third time he's found ragging the juniors? I can't help but think of the times he was not caught or the times the victims didn't speak up. And even after being caught he still has the balls to torture the students on the campus showing how effective the anti-bullying law for this place is.

The teacher sighed.

" The tradition of letting the seniors assert their dominance and instil the sense of authority upon the newcomers for the first week of the session has been followed in YE for decades ...

Believe me when I say I choked on my own saliva after hearing this. This is allowed?

Yeah, I've heard many institutes have a sought of tradition every time a new batch of students comes but this? Does YE have this? The free pass for wolves to bully the human freshers?

There at least should be some limit or ways through which this whole process is carried out.

" The process of natural selection punctuates in the nature each day and YE has chosen to let this process run its course through this tradition but the seniors cannot have their way with juniors in the name of this practice. "

What the fuck do you mean by 'natural selection' ?!

Just because you took two species and locked them up together doesn't mean that you get the golden card to testify your theories of the ' survival of the fittest '.

We don't need to find our place in the tropic levels like in the wild. This whole concept sounds so wrong. This is not the right setting and the context my dude!

These are just some cheap and sick games of yours to satisfy your animal instincts. Anyone can tell, so maybe they should stop coating everything with big fancy words and do something civil for once.

Why the fuck is he giving out these speeches?

Most importantly why the fuck are we still here and listening to him rambling?

Do your job like a good educator and punish the parasites you have nurtured!

" But if it causes mental and physical suffering, would that still be considered as the tradition, sir? " I spoke.

Spoke before I could think. That earned me a kick on the back of my legs by Eden. She must be internally screaming at me.

The teacher looked at me before raising his brow at my question.

... it's either anyone of you who speaks up that this whole incident was against the motives of our custom or it will simply be viewed as a nuisance during class time and all of you involved will be sent to detention. " He warned.

Should I go for it?

That was the first thing that crossed my mind.

And it seemed like someone else also knew what was going on inside my mind.

" Sir-

" We never saw anything out of the line sir, we both were just going to the class " Eden interrupted me. It was very clear she wanted neither of those things. She evidently didn't want to be associated with the whole thing and more than that she despised getting detention.

" Very well, then you all will get detention for being late and creating a disturbance." the teacher hummed.


" You had one job. "

A ferocious Eden said while gritting her teeth.

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